Drinking tequila in excess could cause cancer, what do the specialists say?

by time news

Drinking too much tequila causes cancer, this is how this information was handled through social networks. However, although the tequila is one of the most consumed beverages in Mexico, ranking second, according to the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (PROFECO), is it really drinking too much tequila could cause cancer? This says a study.

Does drinking tequila cause cancer?

There is no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that drinking too much tequila causes cancer directly, one of diseases most devastating and, according to updated data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in 2022 claimed the lives of 44,533 people in Mexico alone.

However, it is true that the excessive and chronic consumption of alcohol, has generally been associated with an increased risk of developing various types of canceramong them, the cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon and breast because the processes the body uses to break down alcohol produces a compound called acetaldehydea toxin classified as carcinogen.

Drinking too much tequila could cause cancerWhat does a study say?/ Photo: iStock

Can you get cancer from drinking too much alcohol?

Al drink alcohol to excess body cells can be damaged, increasing the production of toxic compounds in the body that can damage DNA, favoring the growth of cancer cells that they develop tumorswhich can be benign or malignant.

Information from the National Cancer Institute reveals that the more alcohol drinks a person regularly, over time, their chances of develop cancereven in those who do not take more than one drink per day, as well as those who binge drinkerswho take more than four drinks a day.

When we consume alcoholour body metabolizes it to break down the ethanol from alcoholic beverages in acetaldehydethe problem is that it has been discovered that this toxic chemical it is probably carcinogenic for humans, as acetaldehyde can damage both DNA and proteins.

Drinking too much tequila could cause cancer, What does a study say?/ Photo: iStock

On the other hand, at excesive drinking affect the ability to break down and absorb a large amount of nutrients that can be related to the risk of developing this terrible disease, for example, the vitamin A, type B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and carotenoids. Besidesdrink alcohol in excess increases the estrogen levelsa sex hormone that is related to the breast cancer in women.

What is the most common cancer caused by alcohol?

There are several types of cancer that could cause the consumption of alcoholic beverages in excessamong them, the head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, or colorectal cancer.

You already know, although until now tequila has not been directly linked to the risk of developing canceryes it is important not to drink pirate tequilasince they could contain carcinogenic additives or impurities, such as methanol. Therefore, if you are going to drink tequila, make sure it’s high quality from a reputable source and don’t overconsume.

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