“Worse than the time of Rabin’s murder”: the horror script of the former Shin Bet senior

by time news

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar met opposition leader Yair Lapid and state camp leader Benny Gantz, at the same time as his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and called for calm, following the storm surrounding the planned reform of the justice system. Bar conveyed messages to calm the area.

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former Shin Bet man, Dvir Karib, spoke this morning (Tuesday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on 103FM and responded to the words: “This is something very, very unusual, the third time this has happened in the state, the first time it has happened that Kermi Gilon, before Rabin’s murder, warns the politicians and issues a warning that we are in the vicinity of a political murder And we remember how it ended. A year or so ago, Nadav Argman, the former head of the Shin Bet, said this in the third or fourth round of elections, that the discourse could also heat up to a state of ideological violence. And this time is the third time. What is especially special and unusual this time – that this is the first time he is also talking about the possibility that it will come from the other side, from the protesters, and this is a truly unusual warning.”

“Since I know that the head of the Shin Bet is not an official but an operational, professional field person, who is designed to thwart terrorism and preserve democracy, so I understand from this that he is saying ‘there is information, I have hard intelligence that this is what might happen, and I am attaching it to information on social networks about All the more so. It seems as if the analysis says that if this law is passed as written and spoken, the rupture and earthquake in Israel will be even, I say, the head of the Shin Bet does not say this, more severe than the earthquake of Rabin’s murder. In Rabin’s murder, the head of Israeli democracy was murdered, this law, if it is will pass as he wrote and his words, this means that democracy is murdered, not the head of democracy but the murder will be of democracy itself, this is the fear of the majority of the people. The meaning of this in the area is that the lava is boiling, that there is an earthquake here and the big question is whether this earthquake will lead to a tsunami wave and whether this tsunami wave will wash away All of us or not,” he added.

Later, he explained that “a week ago we marked forty years since the murder of the late Emil Grinzweig by a grenade thrown at him by an extreme right-wing activist. Even if it happens here, God forbid, something like that, it will make a crazy earthquake here, it doesn’t have to be a political murder of a politician, it could also be a protester, not us, it could be protesters from both sides. The protestors are also doing very, very unusual things here, you talked not long ago about the embarrassing, humiliating, humiliating incident they did to MK Gottlieb near her house. We are in such a situation that the heart is boiling and they are not talking.”

“The politicians, on both sides of the barrier, Yair Golan, Bogi Ya’alon, Ehud Barak, and Olmert also said statements that fanned the flames, on the other side as well. On both sides, the head of the coalition’s camp, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, did not condemn the matter The Sporta – three weeks until he condemned, did not condemn Rami Ben Yehuda, did not condemn violence in the field, did not condemn for two years people who were injured on the bridges, what does this do? It fuels the fire. It is the same from both directions and we are in such a situation that it is as if the two sides are not ready to talk The only politician who is willing to talk, he is not one to bend over backwards, but only Benny Gantz says there is room for talking, what happened tonight is not an ordinary event. As soon as the first reading was passed, they actually put a loaded gun on the table. Now talk with a loaded gun on the table, if you don’t talk God forbid a bullet might be fired,” he added.

He also rejected the claims that the Prime Minister is the one behind the conversations of the Shin Bet chief. “I guess, but Sharon Bar, in any case, if he makes such a move, he does it on the basis of hard intelligence information. It could be that it was the other way around, that the head of the Shin Bet came with intelligence information that he presented to the Prime Minister of Israel and then suggested or said that this is what should be done To calm the spirits, then the prime minister told him ‘please’. In any case, any act of appeasing spirits at this time is correct.”

Ronan Bar (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

Ronan Bar (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

“I am also at a time when there may be a single hazard, a protester of one kind or another from one side or another who will decide on his own that he takes action. I think it is very important that the citizens of Israel remember the lesson that we must learn from Margalit Har Shafi and Shlomi Halevi, two people who knew that Shigael Amir is going to murder Rabin. And Margalit sat in prison for not preventing a crime because she knew and didn’t speak up. I call on the minds not to get into such a situation God forbid that they know about a friend of theirs who is going to cross the border, who is going to do an act that God forbid will lead to bloodshed here or severe ideological violence “Don’t keep it in your stomach, pick up the phone and report it. We are in a time of emergency and this is what a citizen who wants to preserve Israeli democracy should do,” he noted.

At the end, he also called for talks between the parties. “We need to take a breather and I think we need to talk, look at the situation we have come to. We are also talking with Hamas, through an Egyptian mediator, and we are not talking to each other, we need negotiations here. What do they want the Pope to mediate here? The president offered his mediation and they did not accept , the head of the Shin Bet will not mediate, it is not his job and God forbid if that is what he will do. Both sides should leave everything aside, yes freeze, no freeze, but it is very, very important to understand, we need to talk.”

“I don’t see intelligence, but the fact that the head of the Shin Bet says this, it means that it is probably from both sides. This is a very serious, very extreme situation, which must lead our leaders to speak. Only Benny Gantz is the only one so far who said ‘I’m not ready to fold, I’m ready to talk’. The time has come, after a first reading, for all the politicians on both sides of the fence to say it,” he concluded.

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