9 decoration mistakes that you should avoid, according to feng shui

by time news

Having many elements alluding to ‘feng shui’ does not always activate positive energy. Just as there are necessary recommendations to attend to, there are practices that should be avoided. We present them to you.

9 decoration mistakes that you should avoid, according to feng shui

Last update: February 21, 2023

Omitting repairs in the house, becoming accumulators of objects or abusing monochrome are some decoration errors that, according to the feng shui, must be avoided. This Chinese philosophy is based on the harmony of the environment, so it raises a series of essential rules to attract good vibes.

With the same intention, practitioners order spaces without taking into account that some of their arrangements do not complement the system, but hinder the purpose. So that this is not your case, let’s investigate those mistakes that keep positive energies away from home.

The “feng shui” and its decorative influence

The meaning of the term is “path of wind and water”.

An encyclopedic entry on National Geographic details that he feng shui holds its foundations in the Taoist belief of chi or a life force that dwells in everything and that is balanced through the opposing energies of the yin and the Which.

Although its origins are Chinese, at present, it is an expanded current in Western culture and is put into practice through architecture and interior decoration, for example.

Science: History, Philosophy and Education points out the influence of Chinese art for at least 3 thousand years in making important decisions to execute constructions, specify locations and establish the ornament and proper internal layout of offices and homes. For this, the feng shui works with the 5 elements that we now list:

  • Agua.
  • Metal.
  • Tierra.
  • Fuego.
  • Madera.

Do not do it! These are decoration mistakes that you should not fall into, according to “feng shui”

The combination or interchange of the materials of the feng shui It is considered in the distribution and incorporation of furniture and accessories at home. Nevertheless, Chinese discipline limits that certain actions and omissions prevent harmony.

What are these errors? We will reveal them soon.

1. Keep plants dry

If you will have flowers in the rooms, make sure they are fresh. Once withered, you have to get rid of them.

Mindful Desing Feng Shui School highlights that dried flowers represent a source of yin qiwhich is connected with death. Some people like the look of dried bouquets, but if you want to balance the chiIt is best to distance yourself from them.

Dried flowers are associated with death, so they do not allow the good circulation of vital energy.

2. Store things under the bed

Although the simplest solution to store anything in the bedroom is to leave it under the bed, better not do it. Riverway Consulting comments that, when you store objects under the bed, in addition to not being decorative, you block the flow of chi around it.

This would have an impact on sleep quality, health and other life scenarios, according to Chinese philosophy. Remember that the room is your rest room, dream projection and renewal room; so take care of her like a sanctuary.

3. Not repairing doors

In feng shui, the doors give way to energy and it is pertinent that they are free and in good condition. Behind the portals you cannot put things that prevent their opening below 90 degrees; It is also not convenient to attach coat racks or hang other objects.

According to certified expert in feng shuiLaura Cerrano, to verify that the doors favor the entry of energy, there is a simple guide that includes the following 3 aspects:

  • They open and close without getting stuck.
  • The knobs turn easily.
  • There are no breaks or chips.

So, If the doors of your house are deteriorated or have faults, it is a mistake not to repair them. In feng shui They call them “the mouth of the chi», that is, that good energies and opportunities pass through them, which would not happen when their condition is terrible.

4. Stack the furniture

No furniture in front of the bed; neither in the corners of the house, much less attached to the walls. Balancing the distribution of furniture with aesthetics attracts positive vibes. Try to keep them in the center of the rooms: it is more comfortable and you activate the good energies, says the feng shui.

5. Fall into monochrome

On her official page, the teacher of feng shui modern, Diana Claudat, recommended add neutral colors, beige and cream. She doesn’t rule out deep yellow, red tones, and wood, as long as there’s balance in the palette.

In short, it is a decorative error to consider that due to the ying-yang the only colors allowed are white or black. These monochromes are quite aesthetic, but they could affect vision and rest, in addition to causing feelings of anxiety, sadness and tiredness. In fact, a text published in CommonLit Links the color black with fear and other harmful emotions.

6. Keep it dark

About the darkness there is not much to explain: any dark corridor is synonymous with the negative and the heaviness from which you must flee. In the decoration, they do not favor opaque and gloomy environments at all. Make sure there is good lighting, including natural light sources and projecting them with faceted balls of feng shui.

The faceted balls multiply the rays of light, increasing the luminosity of the spaces.

7. Hoarding and clutter

Feng Shui For Real Life ® notes that disorder is understood as “postponed decisions and the inability to move forward.” It means that everything you accumulate, the place where you leave it and the way you keep it, is a reflection of your personality.

Do not fall into the mistake of accumulating things that interfere with decoration and that, according to Taoist philosophy, stop the path to progress. Stay with what represents a purpose; the opposite generates an attachment to past energies and closes the entrance of new experiences.

8. Leaving broken and misplaced mirrors

Different from what some believe, mirrors at the entrance of the house and on the stairs are counterproductive because vital energy is lost. More, if these pieces are cracked or fragmented, since your image is not clear and the multiple reflections generate disorientation in energetic terms, he argues Architecture and design.

No mirror should reflect broken things or angles.

9. Rule out beds with a headboard

The headboards of the beds are assumed in feng shui as an accessory that strengthens, connects and supports, qualities that you apply for well-being and in your relationships. From this point of view, preferring beds without a headboard or sleeping on a mattress located on the floor is not appropriate.

Chinese art advises that the bed have a headboard that faces a solid wall.

The basic way to work a “feng shui” style decoration and avoid mistakes

The Journal of History, Culture and Artistic Research stresses the importance of finding the decorative harmony of the feng shui through its 5 elements, so that there is a positive impact on the current of energy.

Achieving it involves simple decorative actions. For example, a vase or a water fountain call for stability; a small metal sculpture promotes clarity; clay objects symbolize the earth and with candles figures the motivating fire. As for the wood, it is much easier and more common, since you add it through the furniture.

Now that you know the decoration mistakes that you should avoid according to the feng shuiCheck the spaces in your house and get them ready to receive positive vibes.

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