What is garden boulder?

by time news

Whether for decoration, to delimit paths or to maintain the humidity of the substrate, rounded pebbles are a set of stones that are very present in gardens. Due to their smooth texture and aesthetics, they usually decorate flower beds, plants and ponds.

What is garden boulder?

Last update: February 21, 2023

The small or medium-sized stones that adorn the gardens bear the name of Boulder. These are larger rockfalls which, as a result of corrosion and the passage of time, adopt a smooth texture. In addition to garden boulders, there are more uses: construction, paving and decoration.

Due to their aesthetic qualities, these stones are usually placed in different interior spaces. But a place par excellence for boulders is the garden. There it offers, in addition to the decorative aspect, some advantages related to the control of humidity and weeds.

Find out how to use the boulder in the garden, which is the most convenient type and what benefits it includes.

What is boulder and what are its characteristics?

The boulder, also known as pebble, it is a piece of stone that broke away from a larger rock. Being in motion, this object can be transported by different natural phenomena, such as water currents, earth movements or gusts of wind.

They are usually found in the beds of rivers and streams, as well as on the shores of the sea.

Pebbles do not have a definite shape or size. When they are smaller, they are usually called chinas o chinarros.

However, thanks to the corrosion generated by friction, over time they adopt a similar morphology. They oscillate between rounded and oblong formations, although their most notable characteristic is the lack of edges.

In addition, the constant blows that its surface receives, generated by currents of wind, water and other phenomena, give it a smooth, polished texture without cracks. This condition gives it a very particular softness, used for functional use in construction and, above all, for the decorative aspect.

size and classification

The granulometric scale, which measures and classifies sedimentary formations according to grains, indicates that the boulders have a measure between 64 and 256 millimeters. Smaller diameter stones are known as it matterswhile those that exceed 256 millimeters become blocks.

The boulder acquires its shape after being exposed to weather and geographical conditions.

Different uses of boulder

The rounded stones, whether they come from basalt and have a black color, or the white ones that derive from granite, are used for numerous functions:

  • Construction. Due to their smooth texture, they are usually applied in different types of construction. Especially in the production of pavements. It is common to see roads and tracks with the presence of this material.
  • plastering. They are also useful for wall coverings as they have good adhesion to cement and stack easily.
  • Decor. There is no doubt that boulders are pleasing to the eye. Its shape and texture give it a distinctive appearance compared to other stones. Architects and designers take it into account for decoration, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Gardens. In home patios they combine their aesthetic conditions with the ability to maintain humidity and the possibility of delimiting paths.
  • Archeology. Because of their resistance to the passage of time, scientific studies of material remains use them for dating according to human markings and movements on the ground.
  • Spa and relaxation. Its soft texture means that many relaxation sites use it to step on and walk on, thanks to the pleasant effect they generate. They also apply them in massages.

Advantages of boulder for garden

In outdoor spaces, these stones have multiple benefits. They range from the organization and delimitation of spaces, to the care of the land, since it protects the substrate of the plants, avoiding drought and the growth of weeds.


The boulders are installed in patios, gardens and green spaces to beautify the terrain from its uniformity, texture and color. In this way, they can be placed in different places, such as bordering paths or around plants, to improve the aesthetic appearance. It is also possible to reserve a space to place a pebble floor in order to walk on them, just like a spa.

fill in spaces

If there are fountains, pools, ponds or a water course in the garden, rounded pebbles are ideal for filling in adjoining spaces. Many landscapers apply them in public places, forming a striking combination between the passage of water and the texture of the stones. It is also possible to place them inside the fountains to decorate the background.

protect the earth

By being placed on top, the boulders receive the climatic phenomena and take care of the earth to maintain the temperature during sudden changes. Especially when the sun’s rays are strong, since they have great resistance. The pebbles reduce the impact of the sun, allowing the humidity of the substrate to be maintained for a longer time.

They form paths and delimitations

Combining the pleasant sensation of stepping on the pebbles and its aesthetic appearance, it becomes a material suitable for forming paths in the garden. If you have a large outdoor space, interconnecting it with pebble paths adds functionality and decoration.

In addition, it is possible to separate and delimit different sectors of the patiosuch as the pool, the playground or the garden. They combine very well with cacti or succulent plants.

The boulders go perfectly with the succulents.

Types of boulder for garden

There are different types of boulders, depending on the size, shape, color and rock from which they come. Depending on personal preferences and the needs of the garden, you can opt for marble specimens. They are very aesthetic, although with a high weight and traces of white powder. There are also smaller alternatives, ideal for decorating ponds and fish tanks.

The placement of the boulder is very simple. It is enough to generate the space to insert them, removing the earth and leveling the ground.

It is advisable to observe the weather forecast and ensure that no rain is comingbecause they can move the stones before they settle. If you want to produce a greater adherence, it is possible to apply a layer of cement before placing the pebbles. In this way, they will be more fixed once they dry.

Choose the garden boulder according to its colors

Although there is some uniformity in the different pebbles, they do vary greatly in size and color. Therefore, options from rocks such as granite, limestone, basalt or marble can be purchased. They adopt shades of grey, white, black, brown or hybridperfect to combine with any sector of the garden.

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