Essential nutritional supplements according to the target audience – this is how you will ensure optimal functioning

by time news

Supplements to strengthen the immune system

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The immune system protects us from bacteria, viruses and other pests. Of course, you should help her fulfill this very important role, partly with the help of supplements.

One supplement that may be essential is vitamin D – this is a vitamin that is not present in the foods we eat and its absorption in the body only occurs when we are exposed to the sun. For those whose exposure to the sun is low, especially in winter, it is recommended to use a vitamin supplement. Another product that greatly strengthens the immune system is cordyceps – a supplement based on a powerful mushroom. In addition to contributing to the immune system, cordyceps has the ability to reduce inflammatory processes, balance blood pressure and also contribute to anti-aging.

Additives to fight free radicals

Free radicals are a real risk factor for disease and even more so for accelerated aging. They are caused by exposure to various infections, and to neutralize them the body needs relevant resources. One of them is a coenzyme called Q10. The body naturally produces Q10, but in an amount that decreases as we age. Various diseases, especially heart diseases, also cause a decrease in the level of the important coenzyme – and in these cases it is advisable to consume it as a supplement. Vitamin E is also a very effective nutritional supplement when the goal is anti-aging and fighting free radicals.

Supplements for pregnant women

Pregnancy produces very significant changes in the body. In addition, during this sensitive period, more responsibility than usual is required – so that the fetus also receives everything it needs. It is strongly recommended to consume folic acid in the first 3 months in order to dramatically reduce the chance of fetal defects. More Nutritional supplements for pregnancy Popular ones are iron (many pregnant women suffer from anemia due to the need to feed the fetus), iodine (a critical mineral for the development of the fetus’s brain) and vitamin D.

Supplements to lower high cholesterol

An abnormal cholesterol level can lead to cardiovascular disease, great suffering and premature death. The coenzyme Q10 which, as mentioned, effectively neutralizes free radicals also contributes to lowering high cholesterol, and another relevant supplement for those who are dealing with this problem is omega 3. Vitamin B3 also has a proven ability to help lower high cholesterol as well as balance blood sugar levels.

In general it is recommended to find Nature store with deliveries which is careful about quality supplements from reliable sources – and thus complete the diet comfortably and with the certain knowledge that each supplement will play its part in improving the quality of life.

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