ISSSTE asks the SHCP to hire all resident graduates

by time news
  • During the ISSSTE 2022-2023 cycle ceremony, 413 specialty residents, 174 subspecialty residents, and 193 highly specialized residents graduated.
  • The director of the Institute asked the SHCP to manage the possibility of guaranteeing medical specialists a work base.
  • All doctors were also asked to offer a service with empathy and not see patients as file numbers.

One of the biggest challenges thousands of general practitioners face each year is competing to become a specialist. It is not easy because only a minority get it, but then a new problem begins because at the end of the residency not everyone gets a job in a hospital. Thats why he Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) presented an interesting proposal.

Secured job at the end of the residency?

In this case, it asked the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) to manage the possibility of guaranteeing the doctors trained at the Institute a work base to provide their services in medical units. With this, an additional benefit would be obtained because it would help strengthen the care provided to 13.6 million beneficiaries.

During the ceremony of Graduation of 780 residents of the institute, the head of the unit explained that ISSSTE is at the forefront in the training of specialists. He added that it was created to guarantee the human right to health and social security.

He also indicated that the human resources trained at ISSSTE are top-level and are to be boasted about. Therefore, he invited the 413 specialty graduates, 174 subspecialty and 193 highly specialized, to enroll in the next call to stay to work at the Institute.

When presenting recognitions and honorable mentions in the “Dr. Gustavo Baz Prada”, in the Palace of the Old School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and accompanied by the medical director, Ramiro Lopez Elizaldeand by the deputy director of Regulation and Hospital Care, Dylan Lucía Díaz Chiguer, the general director added that graduation is a holiday for the institute, but above all for the country, due to the lack of specialists that exists.

“The great debate that the health system requires is to move towards prevention. That is where the ISSSTE is giving the battle. For this reason, the medical units of the three levels of care are being equipped, remodeled and expanded. In addition, it is being verified that they have sufficient human resources so that the attention is first world”.

Humanize the medical service

Pedro Zenteno made a call to the graduated specialists, as well as to the staff of the ISSSTEto humanize the service by placing the patients first, because the beneficiaries are not a file or a number.

“We don’t deal with folios, we deal with human beings who are in pain, who feel and who, without a doubt, a smile, one is doing well, one is fine, it helps a lot, because there are no diseases, there are sick people”.

In turn, Ramiro López Elizalde pointed out that you can have all the scientific knowledge, but it is useless if you forget where it comes from, so he asked to remember his medical training.

“In the ISSSTE these specialists are needed and more in the hospitals that are in the interior of the country.”

The deputy chief of Residents, Pedro Antonio Barba Mejía, indicated that the commitment is to put the knowledge acquired in the ISSSTE during your residency. He said specialists must become the kind of doctors they want for themselves and their families. With this in mind, they must carry out their work with love for their neighbor and without falling into bad practices.

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Empathy in residents is more important than a modest salary: ISSSTE

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