“Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire”: self-proclaimed “source of inspiration for many people”, Helena is already annoying

by time news

Twenty adventurers on a boat dive to swim to the beach: in the Philippines, the start of “Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire”, this Tuesday, February 21, replayed the usual table of the TF 1 game. But candidates have marked the minds of viewers from the first minutes thanks to extracts from their portraits. Like Helena, a 27-year-old Belgian physiotherapist, who claims to have “a perfect lifestyle” and to be “a source of inspiration for many people”.

Very trained on the sporting level, she imposed herself among the women on the first game, the obstacle course. On the other hand, she lost in the final on a balance test against Nicolas, a 43-year-old former soldier, winner in the men’s category. He thus won the sacred fire, a great novelty of the season. This protective talisman will allow him not to be in danger in the event of an eliminatory council or to protect an adventurer of his choice.

“Last night, I lost fifteen years of life expectancy! »

These two became team leaders and spent a first evening in the company of the 18 other candidates before making their choices. Some have started to advertise the color, like Alexandre, a strategist at heart, already annoyed by Helena: “Me, what amuses me is taking out a sportswoman who tells it to herself”, he says, facing the camera. He may have the opportunity since he found himself in the reds, led by the Belgian, the next day. She also chose her two compatriots, Emin (56) and Élodie (35), as well as the only Swiss in this edition, Martin, a 30-year-old cheese maker.

Among the coveted personalities, she also grabbed Esteban, a 40-year-old salesman, very concerned about others, as well as Grace, a mother of three boys who thinks that, compared to her daily life, “Koh-Lanta, that going to be a vacation”. Not all rest in any case, because this Robinson phobic of small critters tried to sleep sitting on a trunk… “Last night, I lost fifteen years! she lamented in the morning.

Opera arias and canard

During the immunity test the next day, which was particularly hotly contested, the reds won. This allowed them to live a relaxed evening, the opportunity to reveal hidden talents: Élodie sang an opera aria, impressing her classmates, then Esteban offered them a test of receptivity to hypnosis. Enough to leave Anne-Sophie, a 35-year-old zumba teacher, speechless, on whom the experience particularly worked. Everything smiles on this tribe who even managed to make a fire.

Among the yellows, on the other hand, the oldest of the Célia team, a 49-year-old family assistant, quickly realized that she was in danger. After having tried in vain to find an immunity collar or a strategic weapon whose host Denis Brogniart had announced the existence, she tried to make believe that her research had been fruitful. A strategy that did not pay off: it was she who received the most votes against her during the council.

When saying goodbye to her comrades, this Norman targeted young Tania, a 22-year-old dietician, and Benjamin, a 23-year-old sailor. “Me, I stayed straight in my boots (…) Tania and Benji had to go with me. I could have tried to save my skin and vote against Tania, I didn’t. Me, I will be able to look at myself in a mirror (…) I hope at least that the winner will be among the honest. “A speech that illustrates the great disappointment of the one who had been applying for fourteen years to participate in” Koh-Lanta “. His dream only lasted three days.

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