Social Security: Aid for the care of babies between 9 and 12 months

by time news

Parents with infant-age children are entitled to paid leave that allows them to be absent half an hour from their jobs. This is the ‘Co-responsibility for infant care benefit’, a subsidy that since March 2019 protects the reduction of the working day by half an hour to care for children from 9 to 13 months of age.

To benefit from this aid, both parents – who can be adopters, guardians for adoption purposes or permanent foster parents – must work and reduce their working day by half an hour “with the same duration and regime”, according to Social Security.


All workers in the General Social Security Scheme, which also includes the special schemes for domestic, agricultural and coal mining employees. Public officials cannot enjoy the permit.


Being registered or a situation assimilated to registration at the time of requesting the reduction in working hours. Certain contribution periods are also required based on the age of the parents, except if they are under 21 years of age.

If they are between 21 and 26 years of age, they must have contributed at least 90 days in the 7 years prior to the triggering event (the reduction in working hours), or 180 throughout their entire professional life.

For workers over the age of 26, a minimum of 180 days of contributions is required in the 7 years prior to the triggering event, or 360 days during their entire working career.

Of course, when both parents meet the conditions to collect the benefit, only one of them will have the right to receive it.


The economic benefit consists of a subsidy that is paid daily, and that is equivalent to 100% of the regulatory base established for the benefit for temporary disability due to common contingencies, and in proportion to the reduction in the working day: contribution base for the month previous, or those of the three previous months in the case of part-time contracts.

Form of enjoyment of the benefit

The start of the reduction in working hours can begin between when the infant is nine months old and up to twelve. The duration of this period must be the same for both parents, “coinciding every day”.

The reduction must be daily and cannot be accumulated weekly. Therefore, a person who works 40 hours a week -in five days- will see their work week reduced by a minimum of 2 and a half hours.

The parent can reduce his working day by the time he wishes, but the National Social Security Institute will only pay for half an hour.

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