Agricultural exports to the US increased by 5.41% in January

by time news

Tegucigalpa, Honduras. At the end of January, Honduras totaled the export of 54,416 tons of fruits and vegetables to the USAwhich would reflect an increase of 5.41% in the total volume of shipments, according to an intelligence report on agricultural export markets.

The report is part of a platform that provides real-time data for retailers, farmers, and suppliers led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the project Transforming Market Systems (TMS), in partnership with the National Investment Council (CNI), the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG) and the Pan-American Agricultural School (Zamorano).

According to the information detailed in the report, the fruits and vegetables that Honduras exported the most to the US are:

  • Banana
  • Watermelon
  • Piña
  • cucumbers
  • Ocher
  • Pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • Chiles
  • cucumbers
Honduras is the fourth country that exports bananas to the US. Likewise, it exports melon, chili peppers, cucumber, among other fruits and vegetables.

The director of the National Federation of Farmers and Ranchers of Honduras (FENAGH), Guillermo Cerritos, explained that until the end of January Honduras is the second largest melon exporter to the United States and the fourth largest banana exporter.

«In the case of cucumber, we are the third exporter. The Cra case is definitely important. Despite the problems of the invasions we had last year, Honduras continues to be the leading exporter of this vegetable to the United States,” Cerritos explained.

Related note: Coffee exports are reduced by 51% by the end of 2022

Government initiatives

Meanwhile, the head of the Secretariat for Economic Development (SDE), Peter Boatmanannounced to have incentives for the productive sector and support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYME) as a priority for 2023.

«As a government we are going to continue with the technological bonus for the countryside, with the coffee bonus, with the banana bonus. We are going to continue with the loans of Banadesa and of Banhprovi. We will continue with the incentives for the MSME through the law that has already helped to formalize more than a thousand companies» he closed.

Pedro Barquero Minister
Pedro Barquero, Minister of Economic Development.

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