Is 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) safe on social media? Business?

by time news

It can be said that to avoid online threats, two-layered password is increasing in recent times to establish a secure internet connection. Especially Banks, Financial Institutions, Government Websites, Medical Information/Insurance are using two layer password system to keep separate pages/accounts for us. Let’s call this two factor authentication. Usually we know that after giving our first password, we send a four or six digit number to the user’s smartphone via SMS or email and immediately enter that number to confirm the correct customer. Once the pass numbers are correct, our page will open. The web hosting company will know immediately that this is our customer.

People who are familiar with 2FA will easily do this. It’s a small headache for newbies. There is a saying in IT companies that “Two factor authentication is better than nothing”.

Many IT professionals say that this is a safe method in a way. In many developed countries people are advised to use it widely in all daily use.

As the awareness about cyber security is increasing day by day, its usage is likely to rise in the coming days.Many companies were working from home when the corona virus hit. If you are in the office, working with Internet connection with Firewall will prevent the attack from outside world. Employees connect to their company via a VPN (Virtual Private Network) through their home Internet provider. Work was progressing safely. In the background of this security, those companies are working to prevent virus, malware, spyware etc. in a big structure for cyber security.

Two years ago I was trying to open the e-mail site one morning as usual at the company I was working for. could not Many companies have Microsoft Outlook. Our company had it too. “Password protected, Enter your two step verification. Send verification code?” That came. Then I immediately got it and entered. Our company was taking page by page lessons about cyber security. We already have a separate VPN. Our company employees can visit our website once they have a VPN connection. There were reports that this too has changed now. Instructions were given that every employee should download the application that sends a separate verification code for VPN-Connect on their smartphones and use the number as a password within thirty seconds. Excellent protection. No one else can get past the company.

Hackers are the reason why many companies and government organizations have come up with such internet security systems. Their customers are developed countries like Europe and America. Developing countries like India are not spared. We have read the news that hackers have taken over the websites of the Union government.

In America, the dream world of hackers, hackers entered the web structure of the Colonial pipeline company that once distributed petrol and diesel and made the information structure in their possession (ransomware attack) and made America look like a game for a week. The company paid hokers $4.4 million in Bitcoin. They have shut down the Tyson meat factory so much that it is impossible to predict who they will target next. The US intelligence agency, which searched for the source of such an attack, reported that it was all an attack from Russia. The United States gave Bitcoin as redemption money to restore it.

How can hackers break into large companies? They will enter by setting a trap. Office email is a big reason for falling into that trap.

Over the past year, many companies have widely adopted a two-layer password system for their email systems. In addition to that, if an e-mail comes from other places beyond their own company, it will alert us with a citation flag. We should read to make sure it comes from knowledgeable people.

Well, let’s move on to social networking sites. In today’s era, we know very well that if there is a primary place for political platforms, government announcements, finding the location of celebrities and sharing news from news agencies, it is on social networks. Everyone mentioned above is running a company. So social media companies can easily verify them. Someone else cannot open fake accounts in their name. Even if it starts, it will be known as fake. How can social media companies see everyone as trustworthy on a site where all the public are users?

Major social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have multiple layers of anti-hacker programs to keep hackers out of their infrastructure. All this is without any warranty on user side. But while authenticated and verified users can get away with it, some hackers will pull it off as well.

A few months ago, Power Minister Senthil Balaji’s Twitter account was disabled by hackers. After a couple of days, the government restored the site again. He himself said that the hackers had disabled it. Fortunately, the squirrel did not interfere with this. We don’t know whether Minister Senthil Balaji was using the two-layer password system.

Not only him… Hackers have also hacked the page of Ravikumar, the general secretary of the Liberation Tigers of India. His Twitter page is not verified by Twitter. The chances of personal information being stolen instantly are very high. He said through Facebook that my Twitter page has been hacked. Immediately he started another account in his name and said follow me in this. Later his account was also recovered.

Facebook first introduced a two-layer password system in the US in December 2021 to strengthen security for accounts. Its trial run started two years ago in 2018. But it was only in 2022 that Facebook offered to provide security benefits to countries like India. It also categorized whose accounts/pages would be blocked and did it for them. Facebook reports that nearly 1.5 million accounts have a two-layer password system.

Twitter also introduced such a two-layer password system in 2021. Before Elon Musk bought Twitter, 2.6% of active users were using it. Meanwhile, 76% of users have been using two-layer passwords through SMS. But Elon Musk doesn’t believe this. May he seek knowledge and life. He said that the companies that provide telephone connection are sending fake text messages like this

At the time of his purchase of Twitter, there were 5% fake accounts, and he threatened to buy Twitter only if it was removed, otherwise he would withdraw from the deal. But that threat did not work. Twitter went to court at the time. He said he will buy it later. Yes, he is trying hard to delete this fake bot account on Twitter. For that, he once locked his Twitter page privately.

Elon Musk has a lot of business knowledge along with his scientific knowledge. He considered verified accounts on Twitter to be discriminatory. Is the news published by the journalist the only truth? Are they all right? He said verified accounts should also be provided to the general public. It made us happy to hear this. Yes, many people thought that there was discrimination. Starting with “Free speech for everyone”, he requires a monthly subscription to verified accounts. If your accounts are already verified, you must also subscribe. Many journalists got angry after hearing this. Popular Twitter journalist Rajakumari said “I will not give a penny”.

Many people assume that a Blue Tick verified account on Twitter is a character issue. Twitter sees this as an investment. A preview of it is that henceforth two-layer password system can be used only by subscribers. For those who have paid and changed as verified, their accounts will be given extra protection. Twitter has announced that if you already use the two-factor authentication password system without “Twitter Blue,” you will no longer be offered one.

Following Twitter’s announcement, Facebook Meta will also introduce a paid subscription system. A test run will begin in Australia and New Zealand under the name “Meta Verified”. If you want verified accounts on Facebook and Instagram, it is $11.99 per month (for website) and $14.98 for iOS and Android apps. Unlimited search, extensive view exchange, especially at the customer station where subscribers can talk directly.

Let us note that social networking sites do not have a client base. None of the social networking sites have a feature to hold phone conversations with users. From now on pay to convert to a Facebook verified account and it will!

Adding subscribers to multi-billion dollar social networking sites Facebook has lost $600 billion in the stock market over the past few years.

Even the start-up fees on OTT platforms are lower than what Facebook will pay later. What do you think we get for paying fourteen dollars? Fame to famous men. The same is fun for those who are having fun. But added security.

So, Facebook will soon announce that this fee will be mandatory for the two-layer password system from now on.

Internet security is not easily available without a fee. The structure of getting users used first and then paying for it later is a game played by corporates.

– Bandy

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