Next Thursday: a day of struggle against the coup d’état. And this time the young people are coming

by time news

The resistance movement to the coup is intensifying the struggle, and next week a new actor will join the protest organizations and the central struggle headquarters: Project 2323. And so, on March 2, 2023 (next Thursday), a joint struggle to preserve Israeli democracy is announced today, within which a variety of creative struggle activities are planned In many centers all over the country. The project is a civil, non-parliamentary initiative of young men and women, women in music, art, communication, activity and social activists led and initiated by media woman Mika Almog.

The significant factor in the 2323 project is the high involvement of young people, musicians and senior cultural figures who so far have not integrated en masse into the struggle. At a Zoom meeting held yesterday led by Tomer Avital and Yaya Fink and with the participation of almost 5,000 people, Almog presented the project and explained that the artists and musicians do not stand up front in the protest not out of fear, but out of a feeling that they have no place in a protest that uses their skills. So now there is.

According to the unofficial things Almog Bazoom said, among the day’s events, famous writers will arrive in the morning to read children’s stories in public gardens throughout the country, dozens of artists and musicians will perform at protest parties all over the country, and in the evening, thousands of young people with sleeping bags will arrive at the Supreme Court and receive a set of stand-up performances and music, andAnyone who was looking for a younger and cooler energy in candles is in protest will finally be able to find it and even produce it.

Who said young people don’t come? Protest marches in Tel Aviv, 20.2.23 (Photo: Nathalie Moon)

“The project headquarters will take care of family activity complexes that will allow participation in the struggle without having to struggle for a babysitter – because the struggle for democracy is, among other things, an educational act,” the initiators of the project said in an official announcement. “Our actions of resistance are based on culture and music, in reaching out to young men and women in order to hear what they have to say – because if we don’t listen to them, there is no reason for them to listen to us again. The activities are community-based and stand in full and flourishing cooperation with existing organizations and infrastructures – because there is a place for all of them , and partnership is power. In addition, 2323 will offer a menu of activities throughout the entire day – with a list of diverse combat actions at different levels of effort. 2323 belongs to everyone who wants a fully democratic Israel. For everyone who understands, for everyone who knows, that it can be good here. we started. 2323 – Come on!”
>> The day of the joint struggle for democracy, 2.3.23, registration and more details here

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