Lived in about eighteen rented houses; Manju finally owns his dream house

by time news
Manju Patros/ Manju’s House | Photo: youtube/ blackies

TeManju Patros is an actor who has won a place in the hearts of fans through Livsion serials and reality shows. The star also has a YouTube channel called Blackies. Now Manju is sharing the joy of fulfilling her biggest wish in life through this YouTube channel.

The actor has realized his dream of owning a house. The house is named Manjimam. In the video, Manju says that she has lived in around 18 houses on rent and used to feel sad every time she changed houses. Manju says that there will be no more sadness and the wish of years has now come true. It took a year and a half to complete the work.

Manju introduces the house with her friend Simi Sabu. The video features milking and celebrating with close friends and relatives. Below this, many people have commented wishing Manju well.

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