UK ends Covid-19 booster vaccination program for under-50s

by time news

Since Monday February 13, 2023, in the United Kingdom, people under the age of 50 who do not have comorbidities are no longer authorized to receive a seasonal vaccination booster as part of the government’s anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

  • Warnings from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI)

In November 2021, the UK government’s advisory body (JCVI) advised booster shots for healthy adults aged 40-49 due to the epidemiology at the time. With the emergence of the Omicron variant, at the end of November 2021, then of the Omicron sub-variants, the offer had been extended to healthy individuals aged 16 to 39 as part of an emergency response.

However, despite a sharply rising incidence rate at this time and government recommendations to carry out this recall, not many young Britons followed the advice of health authorities.

Indeed, last fall, the JCVI informed the government of the extremely low rate of people under the age of 50 choosing to abseil, less than 0.1% per week since April 2022. Consequently, this offer had only a very limited impact on vaccination coverage.

This decision to end the vaccination booster for those under 50 who have no known health problems comes following warnings from the British government’s advisory body (JCVI) and in a context of excess mortality, all the causes of which are far from being elucidated.

  • Excess mortality in the United Kingdom: what are the causes?

In 2022, more than 650,000 deaths were recorded in the United Kingdom, an excess of 9% mortality. If the Covid continues to kill, it would only be responsible for 38,000 deaths in 2022, compared to more than 95,000 in 2020. Consequently, we are entitled to wonder about the origin of the 57,000 deaths which are the main factor of this excess.

If the debacle at the level of the organization of care is often mentioned, in particular the delays in taking care of patients in the emergency room, new voices are being raised to raise the problem of the side effects of vaccine injections.

On January 13, 2023, Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist at the ROC private clinic in London, guest on the BBC to talk about statins, took advantage of his passage in the media to declare that anti-Covid-19 vaccines with messenger RNA carry a cardiovascular risk, adding that he had asked for the suspension of vaccination in the general population due to the uncertainty in the face of excess mortality. He had, among other things, recalled the figures of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) which announced that there were more than 30,000 additional deaths linked to heart disease.

Whatever one thinks of the vaccination policy of the United Kingdom, it can nevertheless be noted that few countries have practiced such a transparent policy. Indeed, he is one of the few to have transmitted his results after having identified the percentages of cases of Covid-19, hospitalization or death in relation to the vaccination status.

Percentage of cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status at the time of the spread of the Omicron variant and then of the subvariants of this virus strain.

A vaccination policy is built at the same time on the search for an individual benefit for the vaccinated person who must obtain protection by the vaccine and on a long-term collective benefit.

However, numerous scientific studies have shown that there can be no collective benefit since the vaccine does not prevent the spread of the virus and the young population is only slightly affected by the severe forms of Sars-CoV-2.

For a few months, this encouragement to vaccination on the part of the health authorities no longer met with any echo among the still young population. Moreover, perseverance in this vaccine dynamic seemed increasingly disconnected from the epidemic reality. Therefore, this decision to end the booster shot for those under 50 who do not have comorbidities comes at the right time.

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