Yvelines: faced with the profits of the gas transport company, these employees denounce the participation agreement

by time news

They claim the the state in which, or at least fairer financial compensation. According to the unions at the initiative of the mobilization, more than 100 employees of the GTT group (Gaztransport and Technigaz) walked out this Wednesday morning in Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (Yvelines), to denounce the new participation agreement wanted by the direction. This is the second time since December 2022 that employees have demonstrated against this agreement, which is still under negotiation.

This naval engineering company, specializing in containment technologies for the maritime transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG), has indeed wished to reverse the previous agreement, which provided for the payment of 4% of annual profits to employees.

The new redistribution model, presented to the trade unions in January 2022, plans to reduce this percentage to 2%. In return, management offered financial compensation, including salary increases and an increase in the profit-sharing bonus.

Up to 4,000 euros per year less for certain employees

Proposals deemed insufficient by the unions, for whom the group’s proposals would not compensate for the financial loss linked to the decline in participation among certain employees. “Technicians and other categories with the lowest wages would find themselves penalized,” laments a CFDT union representative. 380 people currently work at the Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse site.

According to him, employees could miss out on several thousand euros a year under the new participation agreement, compared to the old system. “We are talking about 3,000 to 4,000 euros less for certain employees,” he specifies. All this while the company generates significant profits, which is difficult to pass on to the staff.

GTT, leader in the equipment market for LNG carriers, would have made around 300 million euros in profits in 2022, and its order book is full. “We have a lot of orders and therefore a lot of work, without being able to benefit from satisfactory participation, deplores the CFDT representative. This story weighs on the morale of the employees, they have the impression of being taken hostage by the management”.

When contacted, GTT management indicated that it did not wish to “comment on an internal project under negotiation with staff representatives”. Discussions on the new deal are due to wrap up at the end of February.

This Wednesday, the French automotive group Stellantis (PSA – Fiat-Chrysler), which notably employs 8,600 people at its Poissy site, announced the redistribution of 2 billion euros to its employees around the world. A decision made possible thanks to the record profit of 16.8 billion euros made by the company in 2022.

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