Layoffs on Twitter | Elon Musk continues to fire Twitter employees

by time news

Elon Musk does not stop firing employees Twitter. Although the tycoon promised that he would continue cutting the staff of the red socialin the last week it has thrown dozens of workers from the engineering and sales departments onto the streets, as confirmed by the American media The Verge.

Last October, Musk took control of the platform after acquiring it for 44,000 million dollars. He first fired almost all of his managers and within weeks laid off about two-thirds of the company’s global workforce, a move that would have affected some 5,000 of the 7,500 employees. He warned those who remained that they would have to get used to an “extreme mode of work”, with high demands, marathon days and even nights in the offices.

It was then that the controversial businessman promised the workers who remained at the San Francisco headquarters that there would be no more layoffs. However, Musk has again broken his word. Since November, Twitter has carried out at least three rounds of cuts. The trickle of layoffs has continued, last week affecting an unknown number of members of the sales and marketing team, according to The Information.

Bad business

At the beginning of January, the tycoon threw out about 40 engineers dedicated to the advertising On twitter. Ads are the company’s main source of revenue, but the arrival of Musk and the controversial changes he has introduced — from allowing the return of radical figures to stopping moderating Covid misinformation — have scared off the biggest advertisers, that has significantly diminished the business of Twitter.

Musk has translated that frustration onto his workers and has given them a week to change how Twitter’s advertising system works, a time frame that many consider unfeasible. “I think Twitter can really improve advertising in 2-3 months (not a week though),” Marcin Kadluczka, the chief monetization engineer who was fired on Friday, tweeted on Saturday.

The Twitter business doesn’t work. Musk desperately needs to change that because he wants his investment be beneficial to you. However, before he has the obligation to pay the interest of the bank loans that he requested to be able to buy the social network. All this accentuates the pressure on the tycoon, who has been announcing drastic decisions and demanding that his workers make the desired changes in impossible deadlines. If they don’t, they will be fired. With this kind of leadership, Musk wants to catapult Twitter. However, with a rickety squad, their performance is only getting worse.

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