Why stretch marks appear on the nails and how to eliminate them permanently

by time news

Just as the eyes are the window to the soul, the hands allow us to take a look at our state of health. For example, changes in the color, texture and shape of the nails They are not always harmless, because they can be a sign of disease or something else, as in the case of grooves in the nails or white lines. Hence the urgency to see their cause and how to eliminate them. According to National Library of Medicine, las both fingernails and toenails They have the purpose of protecting the tissues that are under them. Its hardness is due to a protein, which is also present in hair and skin, keratin. Although it is also present in the cells that cover the organs, glands and other parts of the body.

Nails healthy nails are smooth and evenly colored, and changes in its growth can be an indicator of lung, heart, kidney and liver diseases, shows diabetes or anemia. However, frequently, the alterations in their appearance are related to blows or procedures to which they are submitted; example, the use of acrylics o semi-permanent nail polishes

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Why do stretch marks appear on the nails?

also calls “boneless nails”, its origin is frequently related to dermatological conditions such as eczema o psoriasis. However, it can also indicate a reactive arthritis (appears after a infection and causes inflammation). There is another variation named beau lines, which consists of cracks in the nail plate caused by an interruption of growth, either by a vascular injury or disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and lack of zincindica Mayo Clinic.

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What does it mean to have stretch marks on your nails?

Las nail ridges can have different causes and meanings. Some of the causes and those that would be worth knowing about, since you can prevent them are the following. Take note!

1-Injuries to the nail matrix. The nail matrix is ​​the part that makes the nail and is located under the skin at the nail bed. If the womb is injured, either by a blow or an infection, it can cause the appearance of grooves on the nail

2-Skin diseases. Some skin diseases, such as psoriasis, lichen planus, and atopic dermatitis, can affect the nails and cause stretch marks.

3-hormonal changes. Hormonal changes in the body, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause, can cause nail ridges to appear.

4-Nutritional deficiencies. The lack of certain nutrients, such as protein, iron, zinc or vitamins B and C, can affect the health of the nails and lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

5-Aging. As we get older, the nails can become thinner and brittle, which can cause the appearance of stretch marks.

In general, the stretch marks on nails They are usually not a cause for concern and do not require treatment. However, if stretch marks are accompanied by other symptoms, such as changes in nail color or shape, or pain or inflammation, it is advisable to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Types of grooved nails

1- Vertically grooved nails

They are practically vertical lines that partially or completely cover the surface of the nail. It regularly affects the thumbs. This injury tends to be known as onychorrhexis.

2- Horizontally grooved nails

Apart from the shape, the other difference with vertical grooved nails is that it occurs on all nails. They usually appear from the base and go up until they reach the edge. They occur when there are signs of psoriasis or eczema, but also if we have undergone a diet or ingest cytotoxic drugs.

3- Nails with dent grooves

They are formed when the growing nail is too thin and fragile to push the previous layer, so it ends up growing one over the other, causing small holes.

How to remove or treat grooved nails?

Remedies to combat grooved nails

1- Olive oil. All you have to do is place a few drops of oil on each nail and give a massage. Repeat three to four times a week.

2- Castor oil. Contains a large amount of Vitamin E, which helps the nails grow strong and hardened, apply a drop per finger and massage three times a week.

If the appearance and growth of your nails, like stretch marks, appears. Before trying these remedies to remove them, it is important that you go to a dermatologist, only they can tell if the disturbance is something superficial or of concern.

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