FDA approves drug to reduce alcohol consumption

by time news
  • According to Statista, in 2021, the world consumed around 280 billion liters of alcoholic beverages.

  • According to Statista, it is estimated that alcohol contributes to about three million deaths a year worldwide.

  • According to Statista, sales of ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages grew by more than 11% worldwide in 2021.

The researchers found that naltrexone, a drug already approved by the FDA for alcohol and opioid use disorder, significantly reduced binge drinking, the number of drinks consumed, and cravings for alcohol in male study participants.

Binge drinking is a pattern of alcohol consumption in which a person consumes a large amount in a short time. Typically, this means having five or more drinks on one occasion for men and four or more drinks on one occasion for women.

This habit-forming lifestyle can be very harmful and can lead to alcohol poisoning, accidents and injuries. It can also increase your risk of developing long-term health problems, such as liver disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to driving under the influence, engaging in risky sexual behavior, and violence. Curbing binge drinking usually involves using willpower to resist the urge to consume multiple drinks in one sitting.

However, scientists may have discovered another strategy to reduce the urge to drink to excess.

relevant studies

A new study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that naltrexone, a non-addictive medication approved to treat severe alcohol use disorder (AUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD), reduced binge drinking and binge drinking in men with mild to moderate disorders. AUD.

In the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the researchers recruited 120 sexual and gender minority male participants who were heavy drinkers or had mild to moderate AUDs. Participants received a placebo or naltrexone 50 mg or counseling weekly for 12 weeks.

Participants took placebo or naltrexone when they felt the urge to drink or were in a situation that increased the risk of binge drinking. The research team also recorded their alcohol consumption and measured changes in alcohol biomarkers using blood and urine tests.

After the trial concluded, the team found that naltrexone was associated with significant reductions in the number of binge drinking days, the frequency of weekly binge drinking incidents, the number of alcoholic beverages consumed, and the intensity from cravings for alcohol. Furthermore, these effects continued six months after treatment.

The most frequently observed side effect among participants was nausea, headaches, rash, and diarrhea. However, the study authors note that the differences between the placebo and naltrexone groups were not statistically significant.

The scientists say their findings suggest that naltrexone may be an effective option for people who are not significantly alcohol-dependent and want to control their binge drinking as needed.

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