G7 ambassadors in Argentina call to ‘stand up’ to Russia

by time news

The G7 ambassadors accredited to Argentina repudiated Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, urged the international community to “confront” the military offensive, on the eve of its first anniversary, and highlighted Argentina’s “constructive role” at the head of the Council of Human Rights of the UN.

“We want to reaffirm to the Argentine public opinion that Russia’s war of aggression not only threatens Ukraine, but also the Charter of the United Nations and its principles”stated the representatives in Argentina of Japan, Italy, Canada, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and the European Union.

“Failure to address this fact would absolve the illegal aggression and increase the risk that other countries will face similar aggressions.”the ambassadors added, in a joint statement sent regarding the first year of “the unprovoked and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine.”

“We wish to recognize the constructive role that Argentina played as President of the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2022”declared, in this direction, the ambassadors of the group of the seven most industrialized countries.

They also promised to continue to provide “financial, military, humanitarian and development assistance to Ukraine” and to maintain a “strong solidarity to mitigate the effects of the invasion”, in the letter to which Télam had access.

“We will continue to impose economic sanctions against the Russian Federation directed at individuals and entities, inside and outside Russia, that provide political or economic support to Russia’s illegal attempts to alter the status of Ukrainian territory,” they said.

In parallel, the G7 ambassadors reaffirmed their “support for the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty” of Ukraine and stressed that “under international law, in particular the Charter of the United Nations, Ukraine has the right to defend itself against Russian aggression and regain full control of its territory.”

The signatories explained that this year they had to face “disinformation campaigns” from Russia through “awareness” and “truly denouncing the events that have impacted public opinion,” and they accused the Kremlin “of having used energy and food as weapons, which “affects everyone, but especially the most vulnerable”.

The representatives in Argentina of the G7 urged “all countries that support a rules-based international order, including Argentina, to demand that the Russian Federation cease this aggression” and reiterated that “he must be held accountable for violating international humanitarian and human rights law.”

G7 members are more united than ever for Ukraine,” they remarked.

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