Does masturbating affect testosterone levels?

by time news

If you are wondering if masturbating affects testosterone levels, continue reading. The testosterone is a hormones that occurs in the testicles and has a very important role for the sexual desire. However, some diseases, injuries o medicines they can interfere y cause it to decrease.

When you don’t masturbate, does testosterone go up?

The masturbation can have subtle effects on testosterone levels. However, it is important to consider that the levels of testosterone are the result of other factors that are related to elements of the Physical Health in general of a manreveals a study published in the journal Psychology Today.

In this regard, researchers from the Zhejiang University explain that the levels of testosterone can be influenced by the sexual stimulation, including the masturbation, registering a peak in their levels during the actand then descend to an average record, according to the person.

They also studied the effects of ejaculationafter stimulation, in the levels of testosteroneand observed that after seven days of abstinence after having ejaculatedrecords rose up to 146% during the seventh day.

In this sense, according to a study published in the Sexual Behaviour Archives where the levels of testosterone in 8 men before, during and after being shown a sexually explicit movie, it was found that there was an average increase of 35% in their levels of testosterone because of the excitement it caused them.

So, according to specialists, if you don’t have sexual stimulation for long periods of time, it can really bring down your levels of testosterone; Meanwhile, the mere fact of thinking about having relations o feel excited can lead to an increase in them.

When you ejaculate, do you lose testosterone?

Does masturbating affect testosterone levels? Photo: iStock

The ejaculation does not cause a significant loss of testosterone levels long-term. Although they can temporarily decrease after the ejaculationthe body rapidly produces and replaces testosterone loss. In fact, some studies have found that the frequent sexual activity can increase the testosterone levels in men.

It is important to note that the levels of testosterone in the body are influenced by many other factors, such as age, general health, physical activity, diet and the dreamamong others.

The ejaculation frequency may have a temporary effect on testosterone levelsbut it is not the main factor affecting the testosterone levels long-term.

How to stop masturbating increases testosterone

An investigation of The Journal of Endocrinology points out that sexual abstinence does not affect the testosterone or its levels. In fact, testosterone levels rise after sex or masturbation.

what causes testosterone to drop

Does masturbating affect testosterone levels? Photo: iStock

There are many factors that can cause the testosterone levels go down, for example:

Age: Testosterone production tends to naturally decline with age, especially after the age of 30.

diseases and conditions: Some diseases and conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, HIV/AIDS, hypothyroidism, and certain types of cancer, can affect testosterone levels.

Medicines: Some drugs, such as anabolic steroids, high blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, and chemotherapy drugs, can affect testosterone levels.

Lifestyle: Factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, stress and lack of sleep can affect testosterone levels.

testicular trauma: Testicular trauma, such as injury or surgery, can affect testosterone levels.

hormonal problems: Some hormonal problems, such as hypogonadism or Klinefelter syndrome, can affect testosterone production.

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There are currently several studies that continue to study the effects of masturbation on testosterone levels, among many of which a common denominator is that if it is done too frequently, the records of testosterone can go down, which is primarily due to the idea that you are not looking for couple.

With information from Salud180.

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