“Mo Yong” believes that COVID-19 game over causes the infection to reduce violence The population is immune

by time news

Prof. Yong Phuwarawan, MD, a specialist in virology Believe COVID-19 game over After most of the population was already infected reduce the severity of the disease believe the future is no different from the flu

Today (February 20), Prof. Yong Phuwarawan, M.D., Head of the Center, Specializing in Clinical Virology Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University Post a message on a personal Facebook page “Yong Poovorawan” on the issue of COVID-19 for the past 3 years, the body of knowledge shows various truths.

“As mentioned in the past It can be seen that the truth has begun to appear evident

1. Virus evolution is all about survival. Therefore, the virus will adapt to reduce its severity to coexist with the host. The severity of COVID-19 Therefore, it has always decreased from a high mortality rate of 3-5% until now it should be less than 0.1%, like influenza.

2. Diseases with high severity, such as Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, are unlikely to spread worldwide. In contrast to low-severity diseases such as influenza, COVID-19 can spread across the world.

3. Each type of vaccine is different. Highly immunogenic mRNA vaccines are being called for. And the results of the trial are only short-term. Only short-term effectiveness After long-term follow-up, immunity decreases rapidly. and cannot prevent infection If looking at the death rate of each country and injected vaccines it will be evident when most of the population is already infected Mortality rates in countries that received pure mRNA injections were not lower than those that did not. Therefore, in the past, there was no Thep vaccine. Currently, many companies have reduced production or stopped producing vaccines.

4. The epidemic has calmed down now. because most of the population has already been infected Each country believes that more than 70 percent of the cases have been infected, thus causing the outbreak to subside.

5. Immunity arising from infection together with vaccination will be a relatively complete immunity and longevity when compared to vaccine-induced immunity alone

6. Outbreak direction When the disease enters the seasonal disease Epidemic seasons are similar to influenza or other respiratory illnesses.

7. The necessity of future vaccines is similar to influenza will focus only on risk groups who are infected and have severe symptoms In people who are healthy and have been infected before even if re-infected The symptoms will not be severe.

8. Solution to epidemic problems if time can turn back We should use knowledge. build knowledge Rather than going with the flow or pressure from social media

9. This year, it must be considered game over, believing that the World Health Organization will stop counting numbers. Because the number reported by the World Health Organization and for all countries of infection is much lower than reality. And everything will be in the process of surveillance. and outbreaks are seasonal

10. For Thailand As has been said since the end of the year that From February onwards, the disease will calm down. and will meet again in June to September and after that it’s calm It is a seasonal epidemic cycle.”

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