Avian flu: the Government implemented a program of “extraordinary measures”

by time news

The statistics reflect the gradual spread of the bird flu, with 11 positive cases detected in different provinces of the Argentine territory. The government had already announced a “budget reinforcement” of more than 1,000 million pesos to reinforce controls and counteract the spread of the infection. With the Resolution 166/2023 published in the Official Gazette this Thursday, February 23, established the “extraordinary sanitary measures before the declaration of a sanitary emergency” in force for avian flu.

Article 2 of the resolution specified that the new provision is “applicable throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic.”


One of the central points of the current regulatory framework consists of avoid concentrations of birdsTherefore, “exhibitions, fairs, events and recreational activities that involve concentration and movement of domestic, ornamental and wild birds” were prohibited.

with the same purpose “the distribution or sale of live birds in fodder, agricultural or veterinary stores” was prohibited.. Neither are “the movements of backyard, ornamental and sport birds allowed”.

Hugo Pizzi on bird flu: “The situation is worrying”

On the other hand, they will reinforce the controls regarding the monitoring of the “sanitary documentation” required for the movement of live birds“being able to proceed to immediate confiscation” in case of detecting breaches of current regulations.

The package of extraordinary measures also reaches national or provincial parks or nature reserves. In this sense, in case of receiving bird notifications with compatible symptoms with a picture of avian influenza, “the necessary sanitary measures that allow minimizing the spread of the disease” will be required.

On the other hand, “it will be requested to the provincial wildlife authorities that provide the necessary means to reduce the spread of the HPAI virus through wildlife, limiting activities that favor the dispersal of birds and contact between wild birds and people, such as hunting activities”.

bird flu
AFP agency

Confirmed cases of bird flu in Argentina

The National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (SENASA) reported on February 15 the first case of avian influenza in the country, in the Pozuelos lagoonnorthwest of the province of Jujuy, an area near the border with Bolivia.

Since then, they have registered 11 positive cases (6 in Córdoba, 1 in Buenos Aires; 1 in Jujuy; 1 in Neuquén; 1 in Salta and 1 in Santa Fe) and around 100 notifications of suspected cases.

Senasa reported that “people can acquire bird flu mainly through direct contact with infected animals (alive or dead) or with their contaminated surroundings”.

“The transmission of the virus to people occurs when the secretions or excreta of infected birds are inhaled or the virus enters the mouth, nose or eyes,” detailed the agency’s authorities.


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