“Serving the interests of the enemy”

by time news

The deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Avir Kara, caused a stir after he wrote in the “Shulmanim” group on WhatsApp that “DIP has become the ‘B’Tselem’ of the police, a rotten and musty body,” and that it is “a body that pursues our good policemen.”

In the background of his statement – DIP’s decision to interrogate with warning the border fighters who eliminated the terrorist from the attack at the Nablus Gate yesterday. “There are several bodies in Israel that it would be better to dismantle and reassemble,” Kara told Israel Today. “They say we lost the deterrent and that’s not true – the deterrent still exists, and those who are deterred today are the police. As of today, the DIP organization serves the interests of the enemy.”

He said, “This is a significant violation of the discretion of the fighters on the ground, and a real and immediate risk to the State of Israel. When we send our girls and boys to the front, we must back them up, and not send them to trial and interrogation.

“To restore deterrence – we must not tie the hands of the fighters. Anyone who raises a hand against a police officer should take into account that he will not return home for sure.”

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