These are the most common (and healthy) desserts that are consumed in my house

by time news

The desire for sweet taste is something innate, which is why even those with a less sweet tooth enjoy eating a tasty dessert from time to time. Therefore, I share with you what they are the most common and healthy desserts that are consumed in my house.

Desserts every day and for the whole family

So that you know a little more about the reason for my choices, I would like to tell you that my family is made up of my husband and my two children, a seven-year-old girl and a two-and-a-half-year-old boy who, although he adores sweet dishes He is rather a lover of elaborate food and that we serve at each main intake of the day.

My husband and my daughter are the sweet tooth at home and those who, especially in winter and on gray days, seek to taste sweet dishes, even in small quantities. And I, as a careful mother who preserves the health of my children and the family’s personal nutritionist, choose dishes always taking care of the quality thereof.

Also, whenever they demand a sweet, soil consider previous or similar intakes at the time of your choice throughout the day, as we try to ensure that there are few “sweet moments” in the usual diet and that your palate is not used to eating it all the time.

dessert time

Since we were little, “dessert time” has become our habit, that is to say, eating a sweet dish after each meal is simply a matter of culture, that if we could banish it would be ideal to reduce the intake of sweets on a daily basis.

Thus, with this custom of dessert time, we all wait for the sweet after eating a salty dish that is the star of each meal. Thus, eating desserts is a habit that we should all try to reduce in our daily diet.

However, as we know habits are difficult to erase and their influence on our appetite and satiety is very markedso it may happen that not eating a dessert after the meal generates a compensatory consumption later, less controlled and perhaps less healthy.

That is why, it is advisable at dessert time to think if we really have desires and hunger, and if so eat dishes that are as healthy as possible in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of a nutritious diet every day.

The healthiest and most common desserts at home

As I said, at home we have the habit of eating dessert although on many occasions we overlook its intakeespecially if the little ones allow it.

However, when we eat desserts Elections are very healthy on a day-to-day basis and then I show you which ones:

Fruit, fruit and more fruit

At home the daily dessert is a fruit. That is to say that if we eat something sweet after each meal, that is always a piece of fresh fruit (or more) of your choice, for which I try to have a variety of options within our reach to eat at any time of the day.

If you want to lose weight, the best dessert is a fruit: 25 healthy dessert recipes

However, eventually I also elaborate with fruits only dishes like the following:

  • Fresh fruit skewers in whose preparation the little ones participate and love to intersperse colors in them.
  • 100% fruit ice creams for which I usually have frozen fruit at home, especially banana, melon, peach or pineapple with which I can make a single-ingredient ice cream or strawberry and banana sorbet always without added sugar, Banana and peach ice cream or a combination of fruits that I find at my disposal.
  • Salads or fruit macedonia for which I require a little more time, since I simply cut fruits of different types into small pieces.

Other dishes that I have created and that work very well to encourage the intake of fruit but that I not only eventually serve as desserts but that I usually create more at other times of the day when they have a desire to eat something sweet are: various fruit plates in which I present the fruit cut into pieces and accompanied with a few threads of melted bitter chocolate.

This last option is a good way to eat more than one fresh fruit at this post-meal time.


Healthy But Occasional Dairy-Based Desserts

A smaller number of times and always for occasional occasions, we usually prepare dairy-based desserts that the little ones enjoy to a great extent but that we always try not to have added sugars and are as healthy as possible.

In this case, and especially in winter, I usually prepare stuffed oranges with a kind of thickened milk-based custard combined with the flavor of orange and minimally sweetened with a little stevia.

Another option is a “mousse” or creamy chocolate dessert that we create in minutes. combining whipped fresh cheese with cocoa powder without sugar and sweetener that we usually use in small proportions.

All the keys to easily achieve healthy and satisfying desserts at home

Finally, and this very eventually, I prepare some sugar-free cheesecakes that I have already shared with you on another occasion and that we accompany with strawberries, blueberries or another fruit to our liking; or I prepare a unsweetened rice pudding added but simply with the sugar from the milk that concentrates its sweet flavor as it evaporates, and that I also usually season with unsweetened cocoa in small proportions, cinnamon and orange or lemon zest.

These are thehe most common and healthiest desserts that we eat at home, without leaving aside the intake of course at an event or a party of some not so healthy sweet dish. But on a day-to-day basis, these are the preparations that we usually consume at home, suitable for the whole family and recommended if we are very used to dessert time.

In vitónica | 41 fitness desserts, satiating and sugar-free, to end the meal on a high

Image | vitonic

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