Congress reverses the price cap

by time news

The Plenary of Congress has revoked the cap on the contribution bases which was approved last week when the PSOE erred in a vote on amendments to the employment pension plan bill in the Lower House’s Committee on Labour, Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.

In this way, the Plenary has approved the individual votes of the PSOE and Ciudadanos to remove from this project three of the United Podemos amendments that had been included by mistake by the main government party.

The amendments have been annulled with the vote of the PSOE, the PP, Vox, Unidas Podemos, Ciudadanos, the PRC, Teruel Existe and Foro Asturiaswhile Esquerra Republicana, the CUP, Más País-Equo, Compromís and the BNG have voted against, and EH-Bildu has abstained.

These amendments, which the PSOE supported by mistake, included ending the maximum contribution limit to Social Securitythe so-called destope, and reduce tax incentives for pension plans.

In addition to the uncapping of contributions, one of the historical demands of the pensioners’ movements by assuming a greater volume of income to Social Security from the highest salaries, the amendments now annulled had cut the tax advantages in personal income tax for the contributions to these plans.

The PP supports the initiative “for responsibility”

During the debate in the plenary session of Congress, the ‘popular’ deputy Jaime de Olano has justified the support for this vote “out of responsibility”as much as his vote is going to be against the pension plans project, since he considers that the stoppage supposes “nonsense, nonsense”.

The spokesperson for Employment of Citizens, María Muñoz, has cited calculations by the CEOE employers’ association to estimate the additional income in contributions at around 5,000 million euros, which this destop would mean, “a blow”, she said, at the expense of workers and companies .

Both deputies have attributed the error in the vote to the hasty processing of the reform and have criticized that the Commission session was “chaotic”.

“This procedure has been disastrous. Minister, apply the story. This has not been done well,” said the PNV labor spokesman, Iñigo Barandiaran, addressing the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, present full on.

“The PSOE was wrong and voted in favor of them inadvertently. We would have liked them to have voted in favor out of conviction and not by mistake,” said the deputy of United We Can Isabel Franco, ensuring in any case that they had an agreement with Minister Escrivá for the uncapping of the contribution bases, although shortly after, sources from the purple party have denied it.

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