Sedentary lifestyle alarm, 1 out of 3 Italians does not practice any sport

by time news

In Italy 32.5% of the population, about 20 million people, is sedentary. One in three citizens (the percentage is even higher in women) does not practice any physical activity and as many as 27% of adolescents between 3 and 17 years of age are sedentary. “Dramatic numbers that impose the need to further promote sport and consequently the health of the entire society”. This is the objective that the Federation of Oncologists, Cardiologists and Hematologists (Foce) and the Italian Basketball Federation (Fip) have set themselves, with the launch of a structured collaboration, presented today in Livorno on the occasion of the Italy- Ukraine, valid for the 2023 World Cup qualifiers.

“Cancer, haematological and cardiovascular diseases affect over a sixth of the population in total – says Francesco Cognetti, president of Foce – There are over 390,000 new cases of solid tumors a year, while those of the blood are around 35,000. Heart disease also represents the leading cause of death in our country. These are pathologies that are potentially preventable through healthy lifestyles. Among these, sport plays a fundamental role: hundreds of national and international scientific studies have highlighted their undoubted advantages. To guarantee protection against serious illnesses , however, it must be practiced continuously and started from an early age. This is what we want to teach citizens who seem to underestimate these benefits. Like Foce – he recalls – in recent weeks we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CONI for the launch of awareness and information projects on the prevention of cancer and other diseases or, with great pleasure, a strong understanding with one of the most prestigious and important Italian sports federations”.

“We are pleased to collaborate with the specialist doctors represented by Foce, for a major initiative that aims to enhance a winning combination such as sport and health – declares Giovanni Petrucci, president of Fip – Our Federation has over 300,000 members and therefore directly and indirectly involves millions of families. As Istat’s official data demonstrates, the pandemic and Covid-19 have also had harmful effects in terms of continuous sporting practice. Between 2020 and 2021, it decreased by as much as 15% among all under 17s. therefore give our contribution to relaunch physical activity at 360 degrees”.

“Encouraging sport among young people represents an investment for the whole of society both in terms of health and education – adds Gianmarco Pozzecco, coach of the national basketball team – It means promoting values ​​that have a positive impact on the individual and the community Among the most important are the protection of health, the spirit of sacrifice, the promotion of healthy and honest competition and also respect for the rules and for others. Finally, sport can also represent a message of peace”.

In the coming weeks, Foce-Fip campaigns and projects will start aimed above all at young people in schools (but not only), also with the strong involvement of the institutions, first of all the Ministries of Health and Sport. “We have already defined the agreements also with Minister Schillaci and Minister Abodi – concludes Cognetti – because we must move together: clinicians, sports federations, institutions”.

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