Harry and Meghan at South Park: Increasingly unpopular in the United States

by time news

LIt is also beginning to dawn on the ducal couple of Sussex in Los Angeles that although they are earning a lot of money with all the allegations against the British royal family, they have put themselves on the sidelines. Meghan and Harry should not have been surprised that the British are more likely to side with the royal family. But their popularity is also falling dramatically in their adopted country.

A new poll by Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek magazine sees them plummeting in the United States as well, while Charles III, his wife Camilla, and heir to the throne William and Princess Catherine are more valued than they were just over a month ago, when Prince Harry’s autobiography Reserve was released. Queen Camilla is more popular than Harry and Meghan for the first time. Accordingly, 32 percent still like him, 42 percent reject him, which corresponds to an approval rating of minus ten. In December, 52 percent of Americans still liked him, but only 14 percent disliked it, for a rate of plus 38. His favor has fallen by 48 points. William, on the other hand, is popular with 42 percent of Americans, with only 14 percent disliking him, which equates to an approval rating of plus 28. Catherine is plus 32 (Meghan minus 17), making the Princess of Wales the most popular member of the royal family.

“People are just fed up with them,” American journalist Kinsey Schofield sums up the feelings towards Harry and Meghan. She regrets that she was so wrong about Harry as a reporter on the royal family. In the meantime, she no longer believes in the Sussexes’ role as victims, with which they apparently only wanted to make money.

In fact, the two have become real “victims,” ​​much to their displeasure. The creators of the series South Park, which regularly satirizes celebrities, apparently deeply hurt Harry and Meghan with the episode “The Worldwide Privacy Tour”. While it’s about a prince and princess of Canada, she’s unmistakably wearing the pink dress and hat Meghan wore to Trooping the Color in 2018, and he has a red beard. The two are on a promotional tour for his biography Waaagh (which is colloquial for “war”), holding up placards calling for more privacy. To do this, they seek advice from a marketing expert, who declares them to be brands and gives them the “victim” label. Which the prince doesn’t want after all, he leaves, but she stays. Stan Marsh, one of the main characters of “South Park”, calls them “the stupid prince and his stupid wife”. His buddy Kyle Broflovski says: “They make me sick. I’m sick of hearing from them. But unfortunately you can’t escape them.”

The Sussexes are reportedly considering suing the series’ producers. It all comes at the wrong time. Harry seems to be toying with the idea of ​​celebrating Charles III’s coronation. to fly because it is “the most important day of his father’s life”. But he fears being booed, just like the prince and princess in “South Park” when they attend the Queen of Canada’s funeral after her death. On the show, it’s the family that boos the couple. That won’t happen in real life. But Harry has already made it clear: If the mood within the family on May 6th is as frosty as it was at the funeral of Elizabeth II, then the coronation will take place without the ducal couple.

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