healthy life expectancy continues to climb

by time news

This disability-free life expectancy has increased since 2008. Day Of Victory Stu. /

According to the DREES, a man can expect to live to age 76 without being limited in his activities of daily living and a woman 78 years old.

This is a study that will support the executive in its choice to raise the retirement age. At the age of 65, a man can expect to live another 11.3 years without being limited in the activities of daily living, and a woman 12.6 years, according to statistics published Thursday by Drees based on data from 2021. At the same age, life expectancy without severe disability reaches 18.8 years for women and 16.2 years for men.

In France, recalls the DREES (Department of Studies and Statistics of the Social Ministries), “life expectancy at birth is steadily increasing, but not all of these years are necessarily lived in good health“. This is why since 2018 this department has published an indicator that measures life expectancy in good health.

This disability-free life expectancy has increased since 2008, by two years and 10 months for men and 2 years and 6 months for women, underlines the DREES. Among the years remaining to be lived at age 65, the proportion of those that will be lived without disability rose from 47.7% to 59.3% between 2008 and 2021 for men. For women, it went from 44.7% to 54.4%.

In 2020, the most recent year for which this data is available for all European countries, France ranked tenth among the countries of the European Union with 27 members, with a level above the European average (+ 8 month). For women, France ranks fifth, above the European average (+1 year and 8 months).

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