“The WHO Pandemic Treaty will establish a global, police, medical and scientific state”, Francis Boyle, professor of law

by time news

Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois. He is the author of “Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act” of 1989, an American law implementing the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972. In this new episode of the “Debriefing”, Francis Boyle warns against the amendments to the International Health Regulations and against the World Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Health (WHO).

Texts “binding under international law” that will violate the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Worse still, once adopted, they will give the WHO “dictatorial powers”.

Leaders should “to enforce and apply the two texts at the national level (…) This would go as far as the primary care that your doctors lavish on you and even further“, he says. If the WHO gets “these dictatorial powers, she can order to undertake so-called medical measures that will kill you and not cure you (…) They can, during a pandemic, order confinements, masks or even more vaccines”, continues Prof. Boyle.

An unacceptable scenario for this jurist, since “we can’t trust the WHO”. “It is a rotten, corrupt and criminal organization that is in the pocket of Big Pharma, the CDC (American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, editor’s note), the biological warfare industry and the Chinese communist government”. Francis Boyle explains to France-Soir that such texts, once in force, will establish “a world, police, medical and scientific state“whose authority”will override that of the states and their constitutions”.

This law professor draws a parallel between experimental vaccines against biological weapons – against which he campaigned in the 1980s – and mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus. “Covid-19 is a biological warfare weapon” in the same way, even “more dangerous”, than anthrax and botulism. “We had never before had any type of successful vaccine against a biological warfare agent… Excuse me, the two we had were a disaster producing deaths and disabilities in both the US and Britain”, he specifies, in reference to the Gulf War Syndrome of 1990.

This law professor called, during this interview, for the indictment of “everyone involved, not only in covid-19, but also in vaccines, for murder and conspiracy to murder”.

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