‘Bad times for poetry’… and for other things

by time news

02/24/2023 at 01:54 a.m.

theater review

‘Bad times for lyric’

  • Dramaturgy
    Albert Boadella and Martina Cabanas
  • Address
    Albert Boadella
  • music direction
    Manuel Coves
  • Scenic space
    Martina Cabanas and Bernat Jansà
  • Lightning
    Bernat Jansà
  • interpreters
    María Rey-Joly, Antoni Comas and María Cirici (voice of Pili)
  • Place
    Canal Theaters

Sixty years of career deserve a bow of respect. They are the ones that meet Albert Boadellaone of the most relevant characters in Spanish theater in recent decades, and founder of a company, Joglars, which with the machete of humor and satire…

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