7 “must have” qualities of a good friend

by time news

The amistad It is a treasure to the city, when it is honest. However, there are also other qualities that make a friend truly indispensable. We don’t mean that she should always be there when our hearts are broken or when we need money, she goes further. If you wonder how should a real friend be? So keep reading…

According to an investigation by Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayettein Indiana, a amistad High-quality is characterized by high levels of positive behavior, helping you at all times and privacy.

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What is friendship?

The Friendship is an affective relationship between two or more people. characterized by affection, trust, sincerity, respect, loyalty and mutual support. It is a non-romantic relationship that is based on affinity, shared interests, empathy and companionship. The amistad It can arise at any stage of life and can be developed through shared activities such as sports, music, art, work, school or simply by affinity. personality.

The friendship can last a lifetime or it can be temporary, but in any case, it is usually a source of happiness and emotional support. Friendship relationships are important for people’s mental and emotional health, as they provide a support network in difficult times and contribute to overall happiness and well-being.

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Do your friends have these values?

The researchers detail that a good amistad it has positive effects on the development of a person and on the increase of their self-esteem; It also benefits your mood and health. But a good friend is distinguished by these qualities:

1. Honesty. A friend will always be honest with you and he will do it without hurting your feelings. It will tell you the truth and not what you want to hear, because that is how it will make you grow as a person.

2. Respect. A good friend he will not speak ill of you when you are not there, on the contrary, he will always express himself in a Positive way.

3. Know how to listen This quality is one of the most important, the best way to do it is to understand the situation from the point of view of your friend. You don’t have to respond to everything, just listening and letting them vent will help your friend.

4. Take an interest in others. He always asks how others are feeling, if they need anything. Your friends need to know that you are there for any moment, no matter how difficult or happy it is.

5. Be affectionate. A smile and a hug are the best way to show friends that they are not alone.

6. Loyal. A good friend will always protect you without judging you. He will speak to you with the truth without envy involved.

7. Be positive. When a person lives a bad moment, it is best to encourage them to successfully overcome the “bitter pill.”

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What does a best friend do?

A best friend is someone who can be mutually trusted, counted on and supported at all times. He is a person we tend to turn to when we feel happy or sad. Some often think that a good friend is pure gold, but it is not easy to find. If you want to be a “best friend” then you should be interested to know what they usually do, which is the following:

1-Listen. A best friend She is always willing to listen to your problems and concerns without judging you. He pays attention to you and gives you the space to express yourself freely.

2-Support. A best friend it is there to support you at all times, be it happy times or difficult times. He encourages you when you need it and gives you strength to keep going.

3- Honesty. speaks to you with the truth Even if it’s not what you want to hear. He gives you his honest opinion and helps you make decisions.

4-Confidentiality. Keeps your secrets and confidences private. You know that trust is essential in a true friendship.

5-Celebrate your achievements. Celebrate with you your achievements and successes, he is moved by your joys and makes you feel special.

6-Share interests. He shares your interests and hobbies, has fun with you, and helps you discover new activities.

7-Commitment: One best friend She is loyal and committed to a friendship, she does not abandon you in difficult moments and she is always by your side.

In short, a best friend is someone who supports you, listens to you, understands you, accepts you just the way you are and loves you unconditionally. She is a special person who makes a difference in your life and who you can always count on.

the good ones friends they always keep in touch, even if they live miles away, with a simple call, email or text message you can make yourself present.

With the friends You have no secrets, so take advantage of this complicity to enjoy life to the fullest. Don’t let the negativity of others prevent you from being happy, on the contrary, share your happiness with them and create a great amistad!

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