mashura hospital video, no matter how much I control, I can’t see a little tension! When papa came to see Mashura! Video Y – Mashura Basheer’s father reached in hospital latest video goes trending

by time news
Mashura has been admitted to the hospital for delivery. In between there was pain and vomiting. So Mashu was not eating any food. Mashu was not eating any food for fear of vomiting. Suhana and Mashura’s mother were also in the hospital. Mashura came with a video about the labor pain experience. Papa has also reached Kochi after Mama. Basheer has told about Mashu’s happiness when he saw his father.

The state of Mashura

The child has climbed up a little. A short walk will lower the child’s position. The doctors are of the position that delivery should not be made by force. Bashir said that I told him to go according to the doctor’s decision. Thousands of messages are coming in on Instagram. Bashir also clarified that that is why he is telling things in such detail.

No tension

The video also showed him going to the hospital with his father and mother. This time it was a journey without reservation. Came in general compartment. Was very busy. When asked if there was any tension regarding her daughter, she replied that there was no. Allah does not look after all things. This too will go well. . No matter how much you control, there will be little tension.

lucky lady

To be honest Mashu is lucky. She has the prayers of lakhs of people. It’s in the comments below the video. I have received the blessings of all. I am happy to see this. We get it by being active on social media. No matter what is said to her, she will not hurt anyone. She doesn’t stop to say a word back. Papa used to say that is her nature.

Nothing was said

There was a comment that came out terribly. It came from a woman’s account. Who are they to say such things, God is nothing. Seeing that, Mashu did not react. It was pinned and the locals themselves replied to it. People asked if you are a woman. There is an event called karma. The words they say will backfire on them at some point. Basheer said that it is enough to remember this comment.

When papa came

Mashura went out after taking permission from the doctors. There was no tension on Sonoon’s face. When we see it, we will also chill. Sometimes he cried because he couldn’t bear the pain. Mashura was happy when he was told that papa was coming. Papa asked why you were admitted earlier, because you are not due on Friday. Many people came with comments below the video.

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