840 thousand new Honduran users accessed the internet in 2022

by time news

Writing. Some 850 thousand new Hondurans accessed the internet during 2022, according to the latest report from Data Reportalthus closing, little by little, the historical gap in access to the web in the country.

According to the study, until December 2022 there were 6.4 million Hondurans with internet access, unlike 2021, when the figure was 5.6 million. That is, there is 840 thousand new netizens Hondurans surfing the web.

Data Report also indicated that the Internet penetration rate rose 5.4%going from 55.9% to 61.3%, placing it in the fourth country in the Central American region with the highest internet penetration.

Hondurans who accessed the internet during 2022.

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Countries with the highest internet use

Among other data, the analysis indicates that the countries with the highest rates of Internet penetration are Costa Rica, with 89.6%, and Panama, with 73.9%, in the first month of this year.

It is followed by El Salvador, with a rate of 63%, Belize with 62%, and Honduras behind Belize by a difference of 0.7%.

However, among the countries with the least use of the Internet currently are Guatemala with 60.4% and Nicaragua in last place with 57.1%.

According to experts, 2.6% of Internet users of the 5.6 billion netizens registered in 2022 worldwide are concentrated in Central America.

Honduras is the second country that pays the most for broadband internet.

higher pay for internet

The report also reveals that Honduras is the second country that pays the most per gigabyte of internet offered by broadband. Because its average price ranges from 56 dollars, surpassed only by Panama where it has a price of 66.03 dollars.

Otherwise in Nicaragua, whose price per gigabyte is around 36.99 dollars. However, it is the country with the lowest internet coverage. Which suggests that the price would not actually be a determining factor in data consumption.

Another case is Costa Rica, the second country with the cheapest internet for broadband, since it remains at 38.16 dollars, and it is the country with the highest rate of internet use in the region.

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