a town in Moselle deprograms a performance of the show “They love each other!”

by time news

Performed by a duo of Parisian actors, a performance of the cult show “They love each other!” was to be held on March 10 before being canceled by the municipality of Fameck. The mayor justifies his decision.

The town of Fameck (Moselle) renounces to propose They love each other! to its administrators. The municipality has just canceled a performance of the show – co-written by Pierre Palmade – played by a troupe of Parisian actors, learned BFMTV.com, confirming information from the Lorraine Republican.

The mayor of Fameck, the socialist Michel Liebgott, assures that this cancellation decision was “naturally imposed”, unanimously by the municipal council, because of the opening of an investigation for possession of images with a character child pornography targeting Pierre Palmade.

“We had to hurry”

The performance that was to be held on March 10 will be replaced by the show Roommates, performed by the same troupe. An additional actor will however be necessary to play the play, which will cause a slight additional cost (500 euros) which will be borne by the city, specifies the elected official.

“We had to act quickly, make a choice quickly to find a fallback solution. We are not deleting the play. It still exists and will certainly be played again one day”, he assures BFMTV.

Directed and co-written by Muriel Robin and Pierre Palmade, They love each other! is a play that recounts the vagaries of Isabelle and Martin’s life as a couple. It was played by Pierre Palmade and Michèle Laroque between 1996 and 1997.

Three ongoing investigations

On February 10, Pierre Palmade took the wheel of his car with two passengers on board, after having consumed cocaine and synthetic drugs. A serious road accident near his home in Cély-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne, followed. If his vital prognosis was first committed, his state of health quickly improved.

The collision seriously injured three members of the same family: a 38-year-old man, his 6-year-old son and the first’s 27-year-old sister-in-law. Seven months pregnant, she lost the baby she was carrying. Whether she was discharged from the hospital on Tuesdaythe other two victims are still hospitalized.

In front of the investigators, the comedian, struggling for years with serious addiction problems, admitted having consumed cocaine and synthetic drugs before driving but indicated that he had no precise memory of the circumstances of the accident.

Two other investigations have since been opened: one for drug trafficking and the other for possession of child pornography images. A man contacted the police to claim to have evidence showing that Pierre Palmade was in possession of child pornography documents. A second man claims to have videos showing Pierre Palmade consulting child pornography content.

A majority of French people consider, however, that it is possible to continue to appreciate the work of the actor while condemning his actions, according to an Elabe poll for BFMTV published this Friday. 55% of those polled, in the case of Pierre Palmade, believe that we can “separate the man from the artist”.

Kevin Drouant and Carla Loridan

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