Petro had a face-to-face meeting with the magistrates of the high courts, what did they talk about?

by time news

Behind closed doors the long-awaited meeting between the magistrates of the high courts and President Gustavo Petro. During the meeting in Nariño’s house they talked for about an hour about the increase in the number of judges and the creation of the agrarian jurisdiction.

At the end, the magistrates spoke about the appointment with the president who had already stood them up on one occasion. For him President of the Supreme Court, Judge Fernando Castillo Cadenathe meeting was respectful and with good results.

“We shared a conversation about issues that have to do with the efficient and effective functioning of justice in Colombia, we had a talk of about 50 minutes where We exposed some concerns regarding the elements that make up the administration of justice in Colombia”, said Judge Castillo.

Precisely, one of the points that were touched during the meeting was the increase in the number of judges and justice reform. Faced with this, he magistrate Aurelio Enrique Rodríguez, president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary explained that “the president was very emphatic and clear from his campaign for the Presidency: he wants to strengthen the judicial branch with the creation of positions of judges. We don’t need a judicial reform, we need resources and that will be seen when the national government passes the budget”.

Another key point of the meeting was the creation of an agrarian jurisdiction that includes specialized judges. For his part, he President of the Council of State, Judge Jaime Enrique Rodríguez, He said that they hope that the land problems will be solved soon with this type of measures.

“We also talked about the creation of the agrarian jurisdiction and we agreed that the most important thing in a reform of this nature is that the land problem is solved and that the land problem is not in the capital of the country”, pointed out the magistrate.

Likewise, the president of the Council of State emphasized the need to strengthen the structure of justice in order to bring the judicial apparatus closer to the populations and, incidentally, reinforce its presence in the regions.

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