Tarcísio’s performance in the tragedy on the north coast of SP earns praise among allies, but rapprochement with Lula causes discomfort among bolsonaristas and petistas

by time news

Government secretary, Afif Domingos claims that the former minister shows an ‘authentic and makeup-free’ profile; The PT wing sees room for a Republican politician to position himself as leader of the opposition to the current president

Vinicius Freitas/SP State GovernmentGovernor during a meeting with the command of the Army in São Sebastião

Governor’s role Tarcisio Gomes de Freitas (Republicans) in the face of the tragedy caused by heavy rains on the north coast of São Paulo has had a positive impact on the politician’s allies, voters and even opponents. Marked by quick and technical decisions, but also by nods and approximations, the posture of the former Minister of Infrastructure is well regarded and earns the former assistant of Jair Bolsonaro a series of compliments. Among people close to the São Paulo manager, the understanding prevails that, with the episode, the first of great relevance of his government at the head of the largest state in the country, the governor managed to demonstrate, in practice, his moderate and democratic position. “Tarcísio is demonstrating what Tarcísio is. He is it. He has no marketing, he has nothing. He is a guy who is an operator and who has experience. He has already been to Haiti with special forces to act in critical situations. Then, in critical situation he is a great commander. When he presented himself to be governor, he was Tarcísio the operator, which was effectively going to give a new focus to São Paulo. Unfortunately, this tragedy came and he demonstrated what he is: authentic and without make-up”, he told the Jovem Pan’s website Guilherme Afif Domingos, current Extraordinary Secretary for Strategic Projects at Palácio dos Bandeirantes and who coordinated the winning campaign of the Republican candidate of Gomes de Freitas.

In fact, on social networks, praise for the performance of the governor of São Paulo also recognizes the moderation and technical stance as a success of the republican. Among other things, internet users speak of the governor’s “exemplary” and “surprising” performance and give the politician a “10 out of 10”. “It’s important to admit a few things, especially in the face of this insane polarization in Brazil. That said, I can say that I’m surprised by the acting do Tarcísio in SP. May it continue without extremism,” wrote a follower on Twitter. “You might not even like the Tarcísiobut one cannot fail to recognize the dedication and acting him this Carnival. Let that be the rule for the next four years. After all, this is what the population needs, no matter if the politician is from the left, right or center”, said another internet user. On the other hand, however, the joint declarations with the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) at the beginning of the week also raised spirits – and criticism – from part of the right-wing militancy, especially from supporters more faithful to the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who declared support for the former Minister of Infrastructure during the 2022 elections. For the Bolsonarist electorate, nods made by the governor to the PT reflect an unnecessary approach and demonstrate a distance with the former representative. “Never deceived me. It works for the interests of the same people who put Lula in the Presidency”, said an Internet user. The discomfort with the approximation also occurs in the PT. Sectors more to the left of the party understand that the nod can benefit Tarcísio in two different scenarios: at the national level, the governor of São Paulo could consolidate himself as leader of the opposition to Lula and a figure capable of polarizing with the current president of the Republic in the election de 2026. On the other hand, the projection of the Republican politician would create a new barrier in a state that has never been governed by the party.

Politically speaking, it is undeniable that the rapprochement between Tarcísio and Lula happens at a time when the governor is trying to detach himself from the radicalism linked to a part of Bolsonarism, assuming more moderate speeches. Political scientist Paulo Niccoli Ramirez, from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), explains to the Young pan that there is a process of “neutralization” of Bolsonarism, especially after Bolsonaro’s distance from political discussions in Brazil and recent episodes involving the previous government, such as the accusations involving the Yanomami and the withdrawal of secrecy. “Of course, the right will continue to exist, as will the left, but it is time to rearrange and seek new leadership”, says the expert. Niccoli Ramirez considers that these changes point to a tendency towards pacification in Brazil and pave the way for a “civilizing” policy. In this context, in addition to the scenario of disorganization of the PSDB, which has commanded the State for the last 30 years and had its hegemony ended by Tarcísio himself, and the need for the right to remodel itself, the current governor of São Paulo finds an opportunity to gain visibility, especially with centrist voters. “Brazil went through four years of many political tensions, so Tarcísio knew how to use this situation that is not pleasant to be discussed, since it involves many lives. From the point of view of human rights and the duty of the State, both Lula and Tarcísio showed themselves to be republicans and seek to show an idea of ​​governance, which is possible to dialogue with the opposition”, he adds.

In a final assessment, the political scientist and coordinator of the International Relations course at Ibmec RJ, José Niemeyer, also claims that Tarcísio’s presence and speech on the coast of SP point to “a very successful trajectory” for the governor at the head of São Paulo in the next four years. He mentions that the strategies adopted, especially from the point of view of logistics on the north coast, show that Tarcísio should focus his management on practical action and planning, leaving aside ideological issues, which distances voters from the more radical right and ignores customs guidelines and political imbroglios. “I have the impression that he will never use the word communist, for example, which has been used a lot in recent years in Brazil to refer to an opponent. He will never use the word communist because he is a technician and has common sense. The speech will be technical involving planning, control, public policy response”, he adds. Between barbs and praise received, the conclusion among allies like Afif Domingos is that Tarcísio’s posture shows that in addition to being technical, the governor is also political. “It’s his way. Let’s talk, he wants to work, it doesn’t matter with whom”, he concludes.

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