“Come to the Armored Corps – The Strong Corps on Land”: A personal column by a true lieutenant Assaf, an armored officer from Ashkelon | Here south

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So why armor? What heavy tools will you work on and what ammunition will you use? 3rd Infantryman in the Venus Company 74th Battalion 188th Brigade, true lieutenant Assaf tells everything about the powerful corps and recommends

Posted on: 6.12.21 13:41

Hello. I am a true lieutenant Assaf, I am 23 years old from Ashkelon and I am a 3rd lieutenant in the Venus Company 74th Battalion 188th Brigade in the Armored Corps.

I enlisted in November 18. After a week in pre-training (a week where everyone is waiting to be differentiated into their own brigade, they run a lot, and are in position 2 half the time) I was assigned to the Knights Company, the 188th Brigade’s recruiting company. After a month and a half, the tanks will arrive. You will be surprised to see how small the tank is on the inside compared to the huge appearance on the outside. The various weapons – machine guns, mortar and cannon 120 mm, on the types of ammunition and operation of the GNU system – battle management system. During the training, you will also go through a few exercises for each crew member in his cell, in order to acquire a basic skill in operating the tank in preparation for the advanced training – the ZMP!

At ZMP (Company Division Team), you will already be divided into full tank crews, an artillery loaded driver and a commander. At ZMP, more complex exercises are performed, in which the entire team trains together. Start with basic exercises where the tank just stands still, and arrive at complex exercises that include moving shell shells, platoon and company exercises in which several tanks participate, and sometimes also collaborations with infantry.

I was a platoon commander in the IDF for eight months. This is where the soldiers absorb the education and the armored character; joy of work, zeal for tools and rigor. A true armorer should like to work hard and get his hands dirty with oil, grease and soot. Crawling 3 times in a row is no less difficult.The armored character is expressed in the investment and love relationship of the soldiers to the tank.No claimed that he does not strive for his machine guns to work best in the company, and no driver does not want his cockpit to be the cleanest in the company.If you think manual labor, dirt and investment They are not for you, you have nothing to look for here!

Armor in Gaza. Tzuk Eitan. Photo: IDF Spokesman

After the cc you get to the operational companies, or to the CCTV – a tank commanders course (there is nothing like the feeling of power when standing in the commander’s dome when the tank attacks).

The operational company has several employment options – or the company is in training – training with the tanks for four months, in the mud in the winter and in the powder in the summer. Infantry line – the company captures a line in Judea and Samaria in an infantry configuration, without tanks, and does missions that every infantry company does; arrests, patrols and guards. Or a tank line – in Gaza, Syria, Egypt or Lebanon.

My company is currently in operational employment on the Lebanese border. The sense of responsibility is very great. Tanks are the most readily available and powerful force in the routine. We are ready to respond forcefully to any event that happens. During Operation Wall Guard, my team and I responded to a mass demonstration at the border near Metula. Many protesters crossed the border fence, threw Molotov cocktails at fields and ran into the country. The infantry forces that arrived at the scene were unable to disperse them, and after a few minutes we fired two shells at some distance from the demonstration. In the perception of the line, and certainly in the war.

In short, if you like to work, invest, make an effort and get dirty, if you want to meet the most amazing people in the military, and if you want to be part of the strongest force on land, come to the Armor!

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