The importance of corporate benefits for companies

by time news

Corporate benefits are investments that the company makes in its employees voluntarily or for legal reasons, which end up bringing return in talent retention, team engagement and lower risk of absenteeism.

The benefits most commonly offered are health plans, dental plans, transportation vouchers, meal vouchers, food vouchers, and flexible benefits. Some companies also invest in culture and education vouchers.

Corporate Benefits to attract and retain talent

Offering this type of benefits makes the company more attractive, increases employee productivity, reduces cases of absenteeism, generates a lower turnover flow and creates a healthier team.

With a country in crisis and a corporate market increasingly competitive and in some segments even saturated, the Human Resources (HR) department of organizations is increasingly focused on retaining good employees.

All this because hiring the right talent avoids rehiring, avoiding wasting time and money in the process, in addition to increasing productivity and enhancing results.

Brazil has never been an example when we talk about labor. Scholars have been talking about the topic of “talent blackout” for some time, and in parts we still experience this difficulty in finding people who fit the company’s values ​​in addition to being proactive and presenting high performance.

When it is offered to employees with a higher value, the benefit contributes to the satisfaction of the professional, he starts to feel more valued and respected, as he perceives the company’s concern with regard to the well-being of its employees.

A HR Trends survey showed that corporate benefits carry extra weight in the talent retention process.

In addition to the benefits, professionals consider the quality of life a lot and look for companies where the pressure of work does not affect their personal life.

According to the HR Trends – Corporate Benefits survey, the benefits that most attract and retain talent, according to the HR vision, are:

Health care

Currently this is the benefit most valued by Brazilian professionals, it is also the most expensive and the most difficult to sustain. Data from the HR Trends survey show that 93% of the responding employers say they currently offer this benefit to their employees and 80% believe that Medical Assistance is a benefit that helps retain and attract talent.

Dental care

Dental Care is also an important benefit in the employees’ well-being process, as it contributes to their oral health and overall health, as it helps to control problems with infections. It has a low cost when compared to other benefits, and can often have its total cost assumed by the company.

Around 86% of the respondents currently offer their employees the benefit of Dental Assistance and 50% believe that this benefit helps in attracting and retaining talent.

Food Voucher and Meal Voucher

Four out of ten HR professionals believe that these two benefits offered at a price above what is determined by the convention help attract and retain talent.

Academic Assistance

This benefit has been gaining strength over the years and has a positive impact on the lives of employees, as it improves their physical image, mental health, causes positive changes in their behavioral profile and helps to reduce absenteeism due to illness and longer absences, since the practice of constant physical activities promotes the prevention of diseases.

Home Office

The Home Office is another benefit that has grown in the worker’s taste, especially after the pandemic. This system provides several advantages, such as gains in terms of time, since it is not necessary to waste it in traffic commuting from home to work and vice versa.

Cost reduction is also a considerable point, since it is possible to have meals at home, in addition to, of course, not having to spend on fuel. Greater independence and autonomy in carrying out activities are also positive points of this benefit.

Academic Incentive

This is a market trend that is becoming more and more frequent. Encouraging the academic training of employees is a real investment on the part of companies, as professionals become increasingly technically qualified and the employee grows along with the company.

The attitude contributes to the formation of a more qualified professional and creates a bond with the talents.

Day Care Assistance and Extended Maternity Leave

Day care assistance is a right of women who work in companies with more than thirty employees. This benefit gives mothers greater security, increasing their focus and motivation, even after having children.

In the case of Extended Maternity Leave, in addition to being a strong attraction for retaining talent, it ends up being an advantage for both parties, since mothers can make better use of their time with their children and the company ends up deducting income tax amounts .

Life insurance

Life Insurance is a very common benefit in organizations. With the intention of protecting human capital, in addition to attracting and retaining talent, it is a motivational element for employees, as it benefits the family.

private pension

Pension reform has made this a topic of great prominence in recent times. For a company’s employees, private pension is a great benefit for additional protection for those who want to take care of the long-term financial side without depending on the government.

Source: Mundo RH

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