The protest must pick up a gear, and there is no escape from going in with one’s head against the wall

by time news

After an initial examination of the moves in the incarnations of the outposts affair with the Biden administration, the impression is getting stronger that from Morov Tahamonim the man Binyamin Netanyahu will make himself known. Now it’s not just entanglement in lies, but a poor reality check and loss of judgment on a mental level.

He moves in panic between the security system (all of it, including the police); the judicial system (entire, including the High Court); the political system (entire, including the USA); and the political system (cross-party protest). This is how it is when a Prime Minister (not) functions under three brats. One who settled in Hebron, one in Kedumim, and one who settled in his home.

Situation picture: The security system (the IDF and the Israel Defense Forces) destroyed and evacuated a wild outpost. At the cabinet meeting we discussed measures to regulate the “young settlement”, but in fact the issue was taken off the agenda even though it appears in the coalition agreements. The compensation was recognition of nine outposts and declarations of “thousands of apartments”.
In exchange for recognizing the outposts, the US was promised a construction freeze while coordinating with Abu Mazen to remove the requirement for UN condemnation. Unlike Donald Trump, who was completely politically illiterate, Joe Biden knows how to work with a chaotic government. “From our point of view, the transfer of powers in the West Bank means annexation”, said a week ago an American diplomat to the head of the National Assembly Tzachi Hanegbi. It was reported that “the head of the CIA is concerned about the tension between the State of Israel and the Palestinians”; and the subtext is “stop the reform that will give brats a license to cause riots”.

So? Netanyahu claimed that he was not in control of the situation. The Security Council (the body that imposes sanctions) unanimously condemned the recognition of the nine outposts, and the US joined in the condemnation. There was a report of “shock around Netanyahu”. Except for Hanegbi, no one knew what it was about. Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gabir reacted with rage. From then on, Like ships in a fog, the nonsense of the intentions and plots of both: the ostentatious demolition of a house, the stunt on the Temple Mount in Ramadan, any provocation that will cause riots and force the IDF to come in to “make order against terrorism” so that they can present to their voters receipts for “action”.

The antics of the rest of the government circus clowns, no matter how harmful and ridiculous they are, are null and void when the security establishment talks about an “explosive situation”. A local incident, a measured response, a miscalculation – and boom. Killing and being killed because of the provocation of Ben Gvir is not the most endearing idea in the world. Netanyahu became the stealthy Bibi, and the head of the Shin Bet had to warn Ben Gabir and Yariv Levin.

And now you know how the IDF will act when the rockets are in the air, the blood is on the sidewalks and the provocation is visible to all. From here on, waiting time for the Torah provocation and the chances of war on the six fronts (Lebanon, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Syria, Iran and Israel itself). Well, we will win, the question It is at what price, and the answer is that we should really understand how we will win.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that the IDF is unable to “subdue” the enemies (for reasons that deserve a separate discussion), certainly not in their territory. As the days of fighting lengthen, so will the lines of body bags. For the zealots, this is a reasonable price compared to the goal of the redemption of the land. For the politicians, the public and the media, this is a predicament that leads to the demand to spare the lives of soldiers and civilians.

The IDF will have no choice but to go for carpet bombings from the air, which are supposed to exact unbearable prices from the enemy, and from the world a demand for an immediate cease-fire to prevent a bloodbath. This is a completely realistic scenario that is no less important a reason for protest demonstrations than saving democracy.

Masses in concentration camps

It should be a bitter and tough fight if we want to survive, not only identity-wise, but also physically. Since “if” is not an action plan, you should concentrate on “how”, and the simple answer is to turn up the volume. Recruit soldiers from the threshing floor and scrape them from the winery. the uncle in the village and our brother-in-law in the city and the Jews of the world. And in addition to using reinforcement players. The Biden administration, the European Union and the international economic institutions. This is the only way to go to the end, which is identifying weak points, including frequent shutdowns that will force the cowards of the right to come to their senses.

Indeed, it should definitely damage the fabric of life and the standard of living. Basically, a people who fought for their freedom and have eggs, do not complain about a lack of eggs. And forget about talking. The purpose of the protest demonstrations is apparently to stop the legal reform, but in fact the fight against the reform is the means and not the goal.

The political goal is to remove Otzma Yehudit from the government, to continue the status quo in the style of the government of change and to go to elections sometime soon, in the hope that the governments of change have learned the lesson of the folly of the previous elections. Aryeh Deri will agree. Give him a shred of legitimacy and he will quote Maran.

The front of the check must be as wide as possible and at head level with the wall. including chaos. In the first stages, the government will “contain” the chaos (whispering at the citizens is its fun), while draining public anger against those protesting for the malfunctions, clogging up to Molotov cocktails (on the road, not on humans, God forbid). If the protest lasts, then the public discourse, naturally, will deal with the governance of the government, no less than the blame of the protesters.

I guess the wet dream of many minds is to end up in concentration camps en masse. Did I exaggerate? Peek into minds. For the first time, with joy and fury, and fashionably late by some decades, the people of Israel joined (as one party) in the struggle for democracy as a desired province. The problem: for Jews only.

An optimistic assumption, not unreasonable, says that the new fighters for democracy should understand or feel that their struggle is tangential to the struggle of the Israeli Arabs and the Palestinians for their own democracy, and that the common enemy is first of all anti-democratic. The struggle for a political settlement with the Palestinians is an integral part of the struggle for a secular-liberal state of Israel against a dark militant-religious-messianic state of Israel. That is why it is mandatory to join the Arab sector in the protest.

I don’t know who organized the last demonstration in Haifa, but they are idiots. The organizers demanded that the Hadash spokeswoman soften the message, when she refused – it was taken down. “Her words provide answers to why the sector refuses to participate in the demonstration and they are sad,” they explained. And it is really sad when people do not understand that without the Arab sector this is half a democracy.

Just as there is no such thing as half pregnancy, there is no half democracy either, and the current struggle must be aided by the Arabs in order to give birth to a true democracy. Anyone with eyes in his head understands that without Arabs there is no chance of establishing a stable political front. Only in this way will the protest movement gain the identity of a true protest of all its citizens, and not a sectional protest of the white tribe in favor of its privileges. Total political struggle requires total truth. If we do not comply with it, the lie of the other side will prevail.

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