Know the advantages of buying a house as a couple

by time news

Buying a house is not an easy decision, much less if it is taken alone, since it means assuming a greater number of financial responsibilities, which cannot always be covered, since in Mexico alone, 3.1 million households reported problems to solve. payments related to housing, this derived from the economic impact left by the Covid-19 pandemic; and of said total, 52.2% faced difficulties with the payment of their housing loan, while 50.8% had problems paying rent, this according to the 2020 National Housing Survey (Envi).

However, they say that the union is strength and buying a house as a couple can represent the opportunity to achieve it, so regardless of whether they are boyfriends, husbands or spouses, Coldwell Banker México, a real estate master firm with a national presence focused on sales, buying and renting residential real estate, shares some of the advantages offered by embarking on this adventure, of course, after being a well-considered, planned and accepted goal by both parties.

· Increases the saving capacity: One of the main advantages is being able to add the economic income of both, so that they will be able to save more and in less time. Talking about the issue together and agreeing on the amount that they will invest to reach their goal, as well as the way in which they will divide the water, electricity, gas and internet payments, will be crucial, since in this way the debt commitment will be shared and the financial heritage that they will build will not be affected.


· Increase the amount of financing: If both people are workers affiliated with Infonavit or Fovissste, they will be able to combine their housing sub-accounts and the savings they have, which will provide them with greater financing capacity. They will also obtain a better amount of down payment for the mortgage loan, thus reducing their monthly installments or the term of the payments. Carefully investigate the requirements requested by each agency, so that the procedures flow in the best possible way.


· Facilitates obtaining mortgage loans: The advantage of contracting a mortgage loan as a couple is that banks take both incomes as a reference, so they will be able to access options with lower monthly installments, better payment terms and attractive interest rates. This is because there is a lower risk index, that is, the banks will have greater security that they will cover the debt.

· Enables access to a better property: Sometimes, having the budget for some properties is complicated, generating a reduction in the list of options. Therefore, by pooling income with your partner, they will be able to increase it, which will allow them to access a broader housing catalogue, with attractive alternatives that are located in a better area, such as an apartment in the city center or a country house. with large green areas; the home that you decide will be the best to live together.


· Strengthens the relationship as a couple: If you have already found that right person with whom you envision yourself living for several years, buying a house as a couple will strengthen that bond they have created, since they will be able to enjoy more activities together. Share at least one meal a day; Relaxing while watching a movie or spending hours talking and laughing will be some actions that they can take, which can lead them to want to return home as soon as possible to be with their partner.

Now that you know the advantages, talk about what you expect after taking this important step and reach agreements regarding the area, the type of property, its price range and the institution to which you will request the loan to finance it, because the option of your choice must be adapted to the taste, possibility and needs of both. Do not forget that investing in real estate will always be a great success because it will represent the beginning of a family heritage, which will help them ensure a solid future.

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