How to use Vaseline to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes: 3 very cheap tricks

by time news

Las eye contour wrinkles They are really torture when it comes to putting on makeup, and it is that they make our eyes see weathered and aged. An undesired effect, but one that can be solved with a very cheap trick with vaseline, yes, that ointment that we all have at home but that we do not use or rather, we take advantage of all its qualities. And here we are going to reveal how to use it for a youthful and porcelain doll complexion.

What is Vaseline?

The Vaseline is a semi-solid mixture, which combines minerals and waxes. However, its main ingredient is an ingredient that is extracted from petroleum, and that has properties that help the skin retain its natural moisture. However, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicinecontributes to the wounds in the dermis healing faster, as long as it is clean and disinfected.

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3 tricks to use Vaseline to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

1- Vaseline and almond mask for wrinkles around the eyes

In a glass container, melt two tablespoons of Vaseline in the microwave. Then add 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and the yolk of an egg. Stir all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste and place on the eye contour with the help of a brush. Leave to act for 30 minutes and remove with cold water. Repeat this recipe three times a week.

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2- Vaseline cream, rose oil and wheat germ

You are going to love this cream, to prepare it all you have to do is melt 2 tablespoons of Vaseline in the microwave, add 1 tablespoon of rose oil and 1 of wheat oil. Stir well and wait a few hours for all the elements to concentrate. Now apply this on the outline of your eyes Before going to sleep, the ideal is that you use it every night.

3- Vaseline makeup

The Vaseline makeup trick is divided into two versions. To avoid wrinkles around the eyes, you can apply Vaseline before placing your base. Of course, let it rest for a few minutes between one and the other. Or, mix a finger of Vaseline with the same amount of foundation and distribute all over your face. You will see how the wrinkles are not marked.

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Tips to take care of the eye contour

He eye contour It is a particularly delicate area of ​​the skin, since it is very thin and has few natural oils that help maintain its elasticity. For this reason, it is important to take proper care of it to avoid the early appearance of wrinkles, dark circles and bags. Here are some tips to take care of the eye contour:

1-Hydration. Apply a specific moisturizing cream for the eye contour twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. It is important to choose a cream that is smooth and light, and that contains ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and aloe vera.

2-Sun protection: Wear sunglasses and apply a specific sunscreen for the eye area if you are going to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and easily susceptible to sun damage.

3-Rest: Get enough rest each night to avoid eye fatigue, which can cause dark circles and bags under the eyes.
Balanced diet: Take a Balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to keep the skin around the eyes healthy.

4-Exercise: Practice facial exercises to tone the muscles around the eyes and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

5-Avoid rubbing your eyes: Avoid rubbing your eyes frequently, as this can cause irritation and redness in the area. By following these tips, you can keep the skin of the eye contour healthy and prevent the signs of premature aging.

Now that you know how to use Vaseline to remove wrinkles around the eyes, what are you waiting for to put them into practice?

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