EU imposes new sanctions on the Wagner Group for its human rights violations in Africa

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22h24 : New EU sanctions against Russia, rallies in support of Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron’s visit to China… Like every day, Franceinfo looks back on the highlights of the day on the war front in Ukraine . It is to be read here.

20h36 : “The Russian command wants to control the whole Donetsk region and Bakhmout is the main gateway to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk”two important cities of the Donbass, further specified Michael Kofman, director of studies on Russia at the CNA, an American research institute.

20h36 : For more than six months, the Russian army has been trying to capture Bakhmout, the city has therefore gained symbolic importance due to the duration of the fighting and the heavy losses suffered by both sides. “The Russians continue their offensive to divert media attention from the setbacks of this fall”added a few weeks ago Mykola Bielieskov, researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studies in kyiv.

20h35 : Good evening, can you explain the strategic importance of the city of Bakhmout, and why the Russians want it so much? Thank you good night

20h15 : Eight individuals and seven entities linked to the paramilitary group have been added to the asset freeze and travel ban list. The Wagner Group itself, which actively fights with the Russian army in Ukraine, was already sanctioned by the European Union in 2021.

19h49 : The European Union has announced new sanctions against the Russian group Wagner for its “violations of human rights” in the Central African Republic, Sudan and Mali.

18h41 : Russia has accused the West of having “destabilized” the G20 Finance Summit in India by attempting to have the “blackmail” a joint communiqué on Ukraine. “We regret that the activities of the G20 continue to be destabilized by the collective West and used in an anti-Russian and purely confrontational manner”said the Russian Foreign Ministry.

19h17 : The boss of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine, claimed responsibility for the capture by his men of the village of Yaguidné. This decision further closes the noose around Bakhmout, a town less than two kilometers away, which Moscow’s troops have been trying to take since the summer.

17h07 : How to roll back Vladimir Putin and his troops? The European Union has adopted a new series of sanctions against Russia, aimed at undermining its military capabilities and increasing the pressure on its economy. This tenth plan is of a scale never reached since the beginning of the war according to the Commission. Franceinfo summarizes its main measures for you.

16h47 : The theater of Mariupol, the historical museum of Ivankiv… Unesco has listed a total of 241 cultural sites which have been destroyed or damaged since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

16h26 : About 10,000 people, according to the police, were gathered this morning in the center of Berlin (Germany). They called for negotiations with Moscow rather than delivering arms to Ukraine. Organized by far-left political figure Sahra Wagenknecht and feminist Alice Schwarzer, the rally had the slogan “to rise up for peace”.


16h00 : Thousands of people demonstrate in Paris and in other cities of France at the call of the Ukrainians of France. Around 6,000 people gathered in the capital.


15h33 : Polish oil giant Orlen has announced that Russia has stopped delivering oil to it through the Druzhba pipeline under the last contract in force, which covered around 10% of Orlen’s needs.

15h03 : New European Union sanctions over the war in Ukraine target 121 individuals and entities including Iranian drone manufacturers, the EU has announced. These packages of measures decided successively by the EU constitute “larger-scale sanctions” ever adopted, said the President of the European Commission.

14h39 : Franceinfo retraces a year of war in Ukraine through eight emblematic places of the conflict. A great visual narrative to understand how war took hold in Europe.

14h25 : Since the Agricultural Show, Emmanuel Macron announced that he would go to China “At the beginning of April”. The Head of State called on Beijing to “help us put pressure on Russia” in order to “stop the aggression” et “building peace”.

11h19 : Miniatures to express the immensity of the horrors of war. Ukraine Post has printed dozens of new stamp designs since the start of the conflict. This iconography inscribes the main events of the conflict in the collective memory and meets with unexpected success.

11h48 : Prohibited from broadcasting in the European Union since the war in Ukraine, the RT France channel has changed its editorial line, assuming to relay Moscow propaganda openly. In great difficulty now, she seeks to expand her audience in French-speaking Africa. Explanations.

10h57 : Investigations are carried out by investigators from the Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH). A unit dedicated to Ukraine conducts investigative work “pretty classic”, according to General Jean-Philippe Reiland, who heads this office attached to the gendarmerie. With one exception, and not the least: “The crime scene escapes us: it is not on national territory and it is difficult to access it.” Going there is therefore essential to understand what could have happened. Three members of the Pnat and seven gendarmes were able to carry out a mission in Ukraine last September.

10h57 : “Justice takes the time to gather evidence so that it can be established. It’s very long, but I understand it.”

An investigation was opened by French justice after the death of journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, killed by shrapnel, on May 30, 2022, in the Luhansk region. The investigations continue little by little, so his mother, Sylvie Imhoff, takes his trouble patiently.

10h56 : Since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, seven investigations have been opened in France for “war crimes” by the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat), within which there is a dedicated unit. I will explain to you the painstaking work of the French magistrates and gendarmes, who have to deal with the geographical distance from the crime scene and the limited means.

11h46 : China called on Russia and Ukraine to hold peace talks and rejected any use of nuclear weapons. “All parties should support Russia and Ukraine to work in the same direction, and resume direct dialogue as soon as possible.” in view of a “peaceful solution”estimated the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

11:35 a.m. : A year after the invasion of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky set the goal of defeating Russia “This year”. “Whether [nos] partners keep their word and meet deadlines, an inevitable victory awaits us”said the Ukrainian president yesterday at a press conference.

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