Zuckerberg could be preparing the departure of thousands of workers in Meta

by time news

The great technological ones are not going through their best moment. After laying off thousands of workers at the end of 2022, Meta he could be working to further downsize his workforce. As reported by ‘The Washington Post’, the company wants to downgrade some of its bosses, according to a person familiar with the plans, this move is expected to cause many to decide to leave the company.

Meta is also considering other cuts, such as the dismissal of more employees and the cancellation of some of the projects in which the technology company is currently involved. All these changes are expected to take place over the next few months.

Indeed, the company’s new plans are known after last November Meta announced the dismissal of 11,000 workers, 13% of the labor force it had at that time. After this, Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s executive director, calmed the rest of the workforce by stating that he did not expect more layoffs. Precisely, that was the reason why it was decided at the time to make such a large cut. However, it did not completely close the door to new readjustments.

“Obviously I cannot sit here and promise you that nothing will happen in the future because it is a very volatile environment,” the businessman said in this regard. ABC has contacted Meta to consult the information from ‘The Washington Post’. So far no response has been received.

The company is focused on making 2023 its “year of efficiency”. Just a few days ago, he announced the arrival of Verifieda new payment option for Facebook and Instagram that will allow users to have access to certain advantages, such as the authentication brand, in exchange for a monthly payment that starts at $12 per month.

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