Municipal police on strike in Strasbourg

by time news

They consider themselves to be the “great forgotten” of the protest against the pension reform. This is why the municipal police officers of Strasbourg began a 24-hour strike this Saturday to protest against the government’s contested project.

The municipal police have around 150 civil servants in Strasbourg and “operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year”, indicates the inter-union CFDT-CFTC-CGT-FO-UNSA in a press release. “The hardship linked in particular to working in shifts and staggered hours, day and night, prematurely wears down the colleagues who are subject to it. Rather than reducing the retirement age for these civil servants, the government wants to extend it by two years! Enough is enough ! “, denounces this inter-union.

local movement

This local strike movement was decided because “with the colleagues we realized that at the national level, the trade unions were not doing enough”, explained to AFP Thiebault Parre, spokesperson of the inter-union. “We took the decision to make a local movement with the objective of becoming national,” he continued.

The strikers demand the integration of the function bonus in the calculation of pension rights and the obtaining of the special bonus for police officers “in the same way as our colleagues in the national police”. Due to this movement, “There will be no agent in the field between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.,” said Thiebault Parre, adding that only “three agents are kept on duty at the command post to respond to urgent calls” .

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