Aznar meets with Feijóo and his closest circle to celebrate his 70th birthday

by time news

The one who was president of the Government of Spain from 1996 to 2004 has organized this Saturday a private celebration at the Teatro Real for his 70th birthday which was attended, among others, by the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, former Aznar ministers and his closest circle.

The party took place a week before the anniversary of Aznar’s victory in the 1996 general elections, the year in which he would become Prime Minister for the first time.

Feijóo, Ayuso and Almeida, among the guests

As sources close to Aznar have assured, the celebration was “private” so they did not want to give more details about its characteristics. Former ministers of José María Aznar attended the event, some even older than the former Prime Minister. Also the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida and the aforementioned former ministers of the PP: Ángel Acebes, Federico Trillo, Francisco Álvarez Cascos, Ana Mato, Jaime Mayor oreja, José María Michavila and Alberto Ruiz Gallardón.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has been one of the most recognized guests of the celebration and will return from Madrid to Santiago de Compostela to participate in the presentation of the heads of the list and candidates for the Galician mayoralties of the ‘popular’ before the elections on 28 May.

The president of the blue formation maintains a great relationship with Aznar, the man who appointed him president of the National Institute of Health and later of the Post Office when he arrived at Moncloa in 1996. Last weekend of February 4 and 5, Feijóo managed to ‘put together’ and immortalize a photograph between Aznar and Mariano Rajoy, the last two popular presidents of the Government, more than distant in recent years.

In that event both left behind their last brushes and had a pro-party attitude, Aznar called Rajoy “dear friend and colleague from so many battles and so many years” while he thanked him for appointing him several times as minister and even vice president of the Government.

Aznar and Rajoy have shown joint support in favor of Feijóo in the face of the upcoming elections and have expressed their willingness to participate in party events and ralliesaccording to ‘popular’ sources.

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