Pierre Palmade’s stroke: state of health, hospitalization, detention… the questions that arise

by time news

This is yet another element to take into account in the Palmade file. Two weeks almost to the day after the dramatic accident caused on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne, the comedian, who was under the influence of cocaine at the time of the events, suffered a stroke ( AVC) Saturday at the end of the day.

Indicted for “involuntary homicide and injury” and placed under judicial control on February 17, Pierre Palmade was awaiting a new court decision, the Melun prosecution having initially requested placement in pre-trial detention and appealed. of the first decision. Can the comedian’s state of health change the course of things? Will it really be fixed this Monday? The Parisian takes stock.

In what state of health is Pierre Palmade?

Without knowing the severity or the origin of the stroke he suffered, we know that the vital prognosis of the 54-year-old comedian is not engaged. This neurological incident, “caused by a sudden stop of the blood circulation inside the brain” as the Ministry of Health specifies, can however have serious consequences, including paralysis and language disorders.

The speed of treatment plays a role in the severity of these sequelae. Here, the comedian being already hospitalized, we can imagine that she was quick. But the occurrence of a stroke requires increased monitoring for several days, including an “acute” treatment phase.

Until now assigned to the addictology department of the Paul Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), Pierre Palmade was transferred on Saturday at the end of the day to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital center, located a few kilometers away. According to our information, his electronic bracelet was taken away from him, at the request of the doctors. According to BFMTV, the actor left intensive care this Sunday to be placed in an isolated room in the neurovascular unit. “A priori, this means that there were no too serious immediate consequences”, advances Professor Milou Daniel Drici, professor of pharmacology and cardiologist in Nice.

In addition, any patient after a stroke “requires regular lifelong monitoring and appropriate treatment of their risk factors”, indicates the High Authority for Health. “In the five years following a stroke, the risk of recurrence is 40%. Medical monitoring is necessary to limit it,” says Milou Daniel Drici.

Can this stroke disrupt the legal calendar?

The future of Pierre Palmade had to – and must for the time being always – play out this Monday, February 27 at 11:30 a.m. The investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal must confirm the order of the judge of freedoms and detention of Melun, who had placed the comedian under an electronic bracelet, or decide on his imprisonment.

The Melun prosecutor’s office, which had initially requested his placement in pre-trial detention as part of the judicial investigation opened for “involuntary homicide and injuries”, has indeed appealed the decision of house arrest. The request was also made by the Paris public prosecutor’s office during a hearing organized behind closed doors on Friday. Rarely, the decision was put under advisement.

“The code of criminal procedure does not provide for this kind of configuration, recognizes Dylan Slama, lawyer at the Paris bar and specialist in criminal law. Two very rare phenomena have intersected: that of deliberating the decision of the investigating chamber, then that between the hearing and the announcement of the decision, a major health accident occurs. And to specify: “The secrecy of the instruction does not make it possible to know when the decision was or was to be taken between the hearing, the deliberation, the moment when the comedian had his stroke and finally the meeting fixed for this Monday ”.

How could the sequence of events unfold?

If the court decision does come on Monday, the question of the actor’s state of health should also arise. “The code of criminal procedure provides that the state of health must be compatible with incarceration”, recalls Me Dylan Slama, who also wonders about the maintenance or not of a house arrest in an addictology service. “Doesn’t a stroke imply hospitalization in a specific institution or service? “, he asks.

The magistrates of the Paris Court of Appeal have in any case several options. Either they decide to delay their decision in time and take into account this medical rebound, or they make their decision this Monday.

In this second hypothesis, the investigating chamber can confirm the order of the judge of freedoms and detention of Melun and in this case, Pierre Palmade will return to house arrest in the addiction service after his hospitalization for his Stroke. She can also reverse the order by following the requisitions of the general prosecutor’s office and Pierre Palmade will then risk going to prison as soon as his state of health allows it. According to Me Carbon de Seze, criminal lawyer interviewed by BFMTV, the magistrates “can very well take the decision to put Pierre Palmade in the hands of jailers, but postpone the date on which he will be placed in preventive detention”.

Pierre Palmade is also the subject of an investigation into child pornography images, opened after a report to the police, in which he has not yet been heard. Saturday evening, a relative of the comedian was indicted and placed under judicial control for broadcasting and possession of child pornography images.

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