How to mark the abdomen in 12 weeks? 5 exercises that will help you

by time news

have a flat and marked abdomen It is the goal that many of us pursue when training, whether in the gym or at home… and the faster, the better. But not all movements achieve such a result, so that you do not get discouraged and achieve those measures 90-60-90, we share with you how to mark the abdomen in 12 weeks: 5 exercises that will help you. Take note!

exist different body typessome accumulate more fat than others, but without a doubt, the battle of the majority is to define the muscles of the abdomen, because being thin is not enough, but neither is exercising.

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Why is it difficult to mark the abdomen?

Mark the abdomen requires a combined effort of physical exercise and proper nutrition. Although abdominal exercise can help strengthen the abdominal muscles, it is not enough to achieve a marked abdomen.

The layer of abdominal fat that covers the muscles can be difficult to remove, and a healthy and balanced diet is required to achieve this. In addition, genetics, level of physical activity, and metabolism can also influence how easy or difficult it is to mark the abdomen

In short, ripping the abdomen requires a combination of regular physical exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, and individual factors such as Genetics and metabolism. It requires dedication and patience, but it can be done with the right approach.

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How to mark the abdomen in 12 weeks?

Defining a muscle takes time, however, it is possible mark the abdomen in 12 weeks… as long as you do not have excess body fat and, specifically, abdominal. If so, you can also mark your abdomen, but it will take more time.

This is because the percentage of fat is an important element when defining your abdomen, since the muscles are under the fat, so if you don’t burn it, you can do a lot of crunches, but your muscles won’t come out.

The site specialized in physical training, Vitónicaexplains that in a woman you begin to see the defined abs below 22 percent body fat, while in a man, this occurs below 15 percent, although the distribution pattern also plays a role.

If you’re between 22 and 26 percent fat for women and 15 to 20 percent for men, focus on general strength training and therefore course Abdominal, while still adding some cardio. In case of a higher percentage of body fat, you must first reduce it.

5 exercises to mark your abdomen

Cardiovascular exercise helps burn body fat, while muscle-strengthening exercise strengthens, marks and increases muscle mass, so they are excellent for the goal of mark your abdomen in 12 weeks.

Exercise 1

Work your lower abdomen and that unruly tummy with leg raises. Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs straight and arms at your sides, hands at hip height.

Raise your legs in the direction of your chest and stop when they form a 90° angle with the floor, slowly lower until you reach a few inches from the ground and repeat 15 times. If you train at the gym or have a bench to train on, lie down on it, place your hands above your head to stop, and perform the exercise.

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Exercise 2

Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs straight and raised, forming a 90° angle with the floor, that is, pointing to the ceiling. Stretch your arms up, also towards the ceiling.

Lean your torso forward to try to touch the tips of your feet with your fingers, taking care of the position of your neck, which must remain neutral. Lower and repeat 15 times.

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Exercise 3

Las reverse crunches They allow the rectus abdominis to work to mark the six pack, protecting the neck and spinal discs, since the lower body moves and not the upper body. There are different types, but you can start with the classic.

Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your sides. Raise your legs and bring your knees towards your face, raising your hips and lower back; your middle back, shoulders, neck and head should remain on the floor.

Hold the position for a few seconds, lower slowly and repeat 15 times.

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Exercise #4

Planks are an excellent exercise for the abdomen and our entire body. There are different types, some even equal to 100 crunchesbut the side plank not only works your core or central muscles, it marks the obliques and helps with balance.

Lie on your side on the floor, with your Stretched legs and the forearm resting on the ground, so that your elbow is aligned with your shoulder. Place one foot in front of the other, draw in your abdomen, and lift your hips off the ground to form a diagonal from shoulder to toe. Hold the position for 30 seconds and switch sides.

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Exercise #5

With a towel under your feet, get into a raised plank position, maintaining support on the palms of your hands and balls of your feet; arms and legs stretched out, with the body parallel to the floor.

Move forward using your hands and shuffling feet. Advance 10 “steps” and rest.

Finish the circuit, rest 1 minute, and repeat to complete 2-3 sets of each exercise. Complement it with other exercises to tone abdomen y other parts of your body.

Photo: iStock

How to reduce my percentage of body fat?

To be able to mark your abdomenyou must start by reducing your percentage of body fat, to achieve this, the best strategy it is a balanced diet, accompanied by an exercise program and the guidance of a specialist, however, this will take time.

While it is true that you can go on very low calorie diets that help you lose weight fast, this is not only impossible to maintain, causing a rebound, it is also very dangerous for your body. For this reason, specialists recommend setting realistic goals and losing weight gradually.

To lose weight and body fat, so mark the abdomen, specialists of Mayo Clinicrecommend eating a healthy diet, based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and moderate amounts of healthy fats.

Of course, you should limit added sugar and saturated fats, in addition to watching your portions. A caloric deficit is also important (spend more calories than you consume), but this must be calculated by a nutritionist.

However, another key point is daily physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, so you should include a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of the vigorous type.

You can increase the time, depending on your goals. But if you’ve never exercised, have an illness or have had an injury, always consult your doctor before starting a training plan.

Ready, do you dare mark the abdomen in 12 weeks? Although it is not easy, it is not impossible either, apply yourself with the exercise and remember that the base will always be a balanced diet and healthy habits.

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