GAP routine: Strengthen your buttocks, legs and abdomen in 10 minutes (they are not lazy at all)

by time news

The gap routine is the combination of exercises you are looking for if what you want is harden legs, reduce abdomen and enlarge buttocks. That is to say, work the conflicting areas of the body without investing so much time but with maximum results. Yes, look amazing with minimal effort! To get to know her, we invite you to SLIDE the MAIN PHOTOL and meet this gap routine of 10 minutes.

What is a GAP routine?

It is a combination of movements that seek to tone three specific areas of the body: buttocks, abdomen and legs. They are a mix between resistance and weight (you occupy your own body), hence their effectiveness when it comes to losing some kilos.

A gap routine usually have high intensity exerciseswhich according to a study published by the United States National Library of Medicinecan significantly decrease insulin resistance and achieve greater oxidation of skeletal muscle fat.

How many days a week is it advisable to gap?

He GAP training (buttocks, abs and legs) It can be an effective part of an exercise routine, but the recommended frequency will depend on several individual factors, such as current physical condition, training goals, and time availability.

In general, a minimum of 2-3 days a week of GAP training is recommended to achieve visible results and maintain muscle strength and endurance. However, if your goal is to build muscle mass or increase strength, you may want to increase your training frequency to 4-5 days a week, making sure to allow plenty of time for training. muscle recovery between sessions.

It’s important to remember that regardless of training frequency, you should always listen to your body and give it time to recover after an intense workout. Also, make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet and make sure you get enough sleep to maximize the benefits of your GAP training.

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What to eat after a Gap routine?

after one gap routine, it’s important to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to recover and rebuild muscle. Some food recommendations that you can include in your post-workout meal are:

1-Protein: Protein is essential for muscle recovery after exercise. Some good sources of protein include eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat, legumes, tofu, and low-fat dairy products.

2-Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide energy for muscles and help replenish glycogen stores that are depleted during exercise. Some healthy carbohydrate options include fruits, vegetables, brown rice, quinoa, and potatoes.

3-Healthy Fats: Healthy fats are important for general health and can help reduce inflammation after exercise. Some healthy sources of fat include avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and oily fish.

4-Hydration: It is important to drink enough water to rehydrate the body after exercise and replenish electrolytes lost during perspiration. Also drink low-calorie sports drinks to Help replenish electrolytes.

Some post-workout meal options that combine these nutrients include:

1-Chicken salad with mixed vegetables, avocado and olive oil and lemon dressing.
2-Brown rice bowl with grilled salmon, broccoli and avocado.
3-Whey protein shake with almond milk, banana and almond butter.
4-Whole wheat toast with avocado, egg and tomato.

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How long is a GAP session?

The routine that you will find by CLICKING on the MAIN PHOTO is 10 minutes. However, if you want to speed up the results, we suggest extending it to 25-30 minutes, with a few minutes of stretching movements.

Now, what’s stopping you from achieving the body of your dreams? Start your routine now GAP: Strengthen your buttocks, legs and abdomen in 10 minutes (they are not lazy at all).

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