National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Mexican bastion

by time news
  • The National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery thanked the 93 professionals who this year completed their specialty and high specialty.
  • It is listed as one of the best neuroscience institutions in Latin America.
  • It was announced that before the end of the year the rehabilitation of emergencies, intermediate therapy, operating rooms and other areas will end.

He National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “Manuel Velasco Suárez” It is an honorable institution that combines humanistic, scientific and technical values. It is also a bulwark of the National Health System for the insurance and continuity of specialized care for people without social security, said the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela.

Generation of graduate specialists

During the ceremony in which the awards for the end of the academic year were delivered, the Secretary of Health stressed that the institute is a hotbed of new specialists who claim humanism in medicine and recognize the needs of the population, without neglecting to the person who suffers, suffers, feels and needs relief.

He said that the number of places to study a medical specialty in the country grew from 9,964 in 2019, to 18,495 in 2022. With this increase, the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery It has been strengthened and today it has 107 spaces for residency and 27 for postgraduate studies.

He highlighted the need to strengthen the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in neurology for the effective and efficient care of mental illnesses that afflict the population because they increased as a result of the pandemic.

He explained that there are great challenges related to the neurological diseases, linked to stigma and social segregation towards those who suffer from them. They also represent a public health problem with personal, family, social, labor, economic and productive repercussions, due to the disability and disease burden they cause.

He called on the staff of this institute —specialist, nursing, administrative, therapy, social work, psychology and others— to participate in the rescue of this honorable institution that combines humanistic and scientific-technical values. It is also a bulwark of the National Health System for the insurance and continuity of specialized care for people without social security.

At the ceremony, the head of the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), Gustavo Reyes Terán, said that the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery It has undergone an important transformation process to improve its operation, which is still insufficient, since free care, the supply of supplies, medicines, healing material and cutting-edge devices must be consolidated.

He assured that before the end of this year the emergency areas, intermediate therapy, operating rooms and others that were without maintenance for decades will be rehabilitated. The purpose is to dignify the attention to patients who require services in any of the specialties of this institute.

Reyes Terán celebrated the graduation of 93 specialty and highly specialized professionals and the entry of 86 new residents, to whom he said that it is a privilege and challenge to be part of an institute that bears the name of Manuel Velasco Suárez. He was one of the great Mexican doctors, whose training and career is an example of humanism, culture, scientific knowledge and political participation, in whom the sum of the strengths that make the daily practice of medicine a virtuous art is concentrated.

Study a specialty in times of pandemic

This generation is special and historic because it faced difficult and complex times. Although there is a history of pandemics, that of SARS-CoV-2 put them to the test and taught to see life from another perspective, not only becoming aware of personal fragility, but also valuing the lives of other people in a sense of solidarity.

The CEO of the National Institute of Neurology and NeurosurgeryÁngel Antonio Arauz Góngora, recognized the effort and dedication of the students during the pandemic, which forced them to change the academic and medical processes.

He highlighted that they were trained in one of the best neuroscience institutions, where they learned forms of treatment, social commitment and mental discipline that will allow them to complement their professional growth in the future.

Arauz Góngora stressed that, after almost 59 years of existence, the institute is a benchmark in the study, diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. It contributes to the formation of the National Health System through access, training of medical, nursing and research professionals, and fulfills the mission of caring for those who are in a situation of vulnerability, with humanity and a spirit of service.

The president of the Association of Physicians and Physicians of the INNN (AMEINNN), Gustavo Álvarez Ayala, welcomed the graduates, who as of today are part of the organization.

He explained that the AMEINNN is made up of renowned specialists and subspecialists in different branches of neuroscience, with an “unbeatable track record” who, with their knowledge, have raised the name of Mexico, so it is a great responsibility and honor to belong to this organization.

Diplomas and awards were received by 93 health professionals, who completed highly specialized postgraduate courses in Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, Neuroanesthesiology, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroradiology, Neurological Ophthalmology, Endovascular Therapy, Skull Base Surgery, and Endoneurosurgery.

Likewise, those who carried out studies in Vertebral Column Surgery, Epilepsy Surgery, Cerebral Vascular Disease, Autoimmune Inflammatory and Demyelinating Diseases of the CNS, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Movement Disorders, Neuromuscular Diseases, Cognitive Aging and Dementias, Clinical Epileptology, Vertebral Column Surgery, Epilepsy , Cerebral Vascular Disease, among others.

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