Scientists reveal the truth about the existence of “cosmic monsters” – Cedar News

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The size of a primordial black hole is about a billion times the mass of the Sun

US researchers have revealed the existence of a rare black hole hidden at the “dawn of the universe” that could indicate that there were thousands more cosmic monsters haunting the early universe than expected.

And the scientific newspaper “Life Science” stated that the size of the primordial black hole is about a billion times the mass of the sun, and it was found in the center of the galaxy “COS-87259”.

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This ancient galaxy formed just 750 million years after the Big Bang and was spotted by the Atacama radio observatory in Chile, in a small patch of sky less than 10 times the size of the full moon.

Hidden under a mantle of stardust, the fast-growing black hole was consuming part of the orbital accretion disk, while spewing leftovers in a jet traveling at close to the speed of light.

The cosmic black hole appears to be in a rare intermediate stage of growth, somewhere between a star-forming galaxy and a glowing supermassive black hole called a quasar.

According to the newspaper, the researchers suggest that the cosmic giant could be just one of thousands of inexplicable large black holes lurking beneath the cloud cover of the early universe.

The newspaper stated that the presence of about 15 luminous stars very early in the same time period as “COS-87259” was a great challenge for extragalactic astronomy due to the short time available for the growth of such a massive black hole since the Big Bang.

“If early black holes with a mass of billions of solar energy were thousands of times more common than we originally thought, as evidenced by our discovery, unless you assume that we were incredibly lucky,” said lead study author Ryan Endsley, an astronomer at the University of Texas. This will exacerbate the problem even more.”

According to the newspaper, black holes are born from the collapse of giant stars and grow by devouring gas, dust, stars and other black holes in the star-forming galaxies that contain them.

And if they grow large enough, friction causes heating of the spiral material in the black holes to cocoon, and they turn into quasars, shedding their gaseous cocoons with bursts of light up to a trillion times brighter than the brightest stars.

And the newspaper added that because light travels at a constant speed through the vacuum of space, the deeper scientists look into the universe, the more light they intercept and travel back in time.

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