28-M, the authentic censorship

by time news

The sword of Damocles of the very expensive price of the shopping basket hangs over the head of Pedro Sánchez. And why talk about the dramatic account of rapists, abusers and pedophiles whose sentences are reduced or released from prison thanks to the botch of the Law of “only yes is yes”. Add to this the pardons, the suppression of sedition, the reduction of embezzlement to satisfy his separatist partners Oriol Junqueras and Gabriel Rufián, plus the release of ETA members to “whiten” Arnaldo Otegi… Does anyone not understand that Sánchez receives boos? in the street, unless you have your picture taken playing petanque in an isolated park with well-selected retirees from your party?

This is the devilish socialist reality when there are 90 days left for the 28-M vote. The president has lost credibility spurts. Right now, in the undisguised electoral campaign in which we are, more than an asset for his acronym, he is a liability. Not even theirs deny it. Sánchez leads a government immersed in discredit where the ministers do not even greet each other. And as has happened to so many politicians when they fall off the crest of the wave, “a skinny dog ​​is all fleas.”

Because to that vicious circle, broadcast loudly by the brawls of his allies and other costaleros radicals chosen to lengthen the legislature, we must add the fiascos of chirigota. Who could even imagine that the Renfe-Adif duo would make Spain laugh with those trains to Asturias and Cantabria that do not enter through the tunnels? Can a government make a fool of itself?

Well, now we find out that in the Valencian Community they have built trams that exceed the weight supported by the bridges over which they should circulate… And let’s not talk about the wingless AVE to Extremadura, nicknamed “the stagecoach of the West”. Or let’s take a look at the breakdowns in the vicinity of Madrid, which makes it a daily roulette wheel for commuters to know if they will arrive at work on time. The Sánchez Cabinet messes up what it touches. This “Collision Government”, according to Feijóo’s lucky definition, is a disaster, no matter how you look at it.

And in case the PSOE was missing something on the eve of the elections, the penultimate upset has been given by his “Títo Berni”. The Canarian deputy Juan Bernardo Fuentes, together with his nephew, the also socialist Taishet Fuentes, general director of Agriculture of the Government of the Canary Islands, and the retired general of the Civil Guard Francisco Espinosa, using a businessman as a “mediator” with other owners of companies, had set up a corrupt scheme to collect commissions in exchange for avoiding business inspections and favoring the awarding of public contracts.

They didn’t fool around, it would just be missing. After walking the paganini through his office in Congress or through the General Directorate of the Civil Guard, converted into a Monipodio patio, “Títo Berni” closed the pacts at a Madrid dinner followed by the corresponding party with prostitutes. Rabble. The autonomous community of the Canary Islands, which seemed insured in the PSOE’s income statement for May, has entered a zone of serious danger. The defendants boasted of contacts with senators and state secretaries who arranged any matter for them. So the story will have even more juice. What has been said: right now Sanchismo is starving.

Hence, every time it is seen more clearly that the force of the polls will bring down Sánchez. That is why the motion of censure that Vox will present this Monday is so inopportune. In the very ranks of the green party there are many who do not understand the movement of Santiago Abascal. The “artifact”, as some deputies call it, burns in their hands. “You always have to trust Santi,” repeats one of his own. However incomprehensible it may be that the candidate’s speech is not going to represent the party. “Tamames will be Tamames”, they assume.

Of course, the idea does not reach the registry of the Lower House on the right foot nor will it help to grease relations with the PP. In case there was any doubt about his stupor, Núñez Feijóo decided to prove it by accusing those of Abascal of wanting a parliamentary “show”. “Bah, that does not go with us,” popular leaders say. One thing does seem clear: what is already called in the corridors of the Cortes “Operation Ramón Tamames” is going to be a show at the service of Sánchez.

Right now, Genoa 13 envisions a massive victory in votes in the municipal elections that would allow them to take over thirty provincial capitals, in addition to numerous councils and, looking now at the autonomous ones, add other presidencies to Madrid, Murcia, Galicia, Castilla and Leon and Andalusia. Among them, Extremadura, Aragon, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Community. This would be the best motion of censure against sanchismo. And there are only 13 weeks left. Sánchez continues to be obstinate in fattening his gloomy government project of socialists, communists, independentistas and philoetarras to continue in La Moncloa after the generals. Opposite, the alternative: a united PP that seeks to show that it is hegemonic.

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